Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 386: You have a marriage contract with Sanye Shen

Ye Shu put down his phone and went to a restaurant to order food.

The more I think about it, the more I get angry, don't let her drink, right?

She just wants to order a bottle of wine!

"No, miss." The boss said nonsense with his eyes wide open. "You can order anything else! No more wine!"

Of course, the wine was not ordered at the end, and it was unsuccessful to vent it.

She couldn't really care about those small business bosses, so she had to put the bills on He Yiming's head.

Ye Shu gritted his teeth with anger: "It's great to have money and power?"


Chen Fufen got to know the names of San Ye and Shen Jingyu after attending a banquet.

No, in fact, she knew these two names before, but before, she had always thought that they were two people.

After she asked people specifically, she knew that it was the same name!

"Manny, Lulu, come out quickly, you all come out quickly for me!"

She ran back home bluffing, He Manni and He Lu were painting their own lipsticks.

Tonight, they also want to meet with customers, among the customers, select men with outstanding ability and financial appearance to be their golden turtle sons-in-law.

After all, He Manni also said that she couldn't rely on Xie Yihao. The last time she had a false pregnancy and false abortion, she had already broken up with Xie Yihao completely, and Xie Yihao ignored her a long time ago.

And He Lu only came back from Jingyuan, because of He Ning's earrings, she stayed in the police station for more than ten days, and finally Chen Fufen took the money to beg her father and grandma to bring her back.

"What's the noise? Mom, didn't you see that we were putting on makeup?" He Manni rolled her eyes.

Chen Fufen said, "What are you still doing? Do you know that something serious happened?"

"What can happen?" Hermanie couldn't help asking.

"Shen Jingyu, is the man you were engaged to before. He is not in the family, nor is he down. He is the Shen family in Jingyuan, the Shen family who is about to tremble with the stomping dragon empire."

"To be precise, he is still the man in charge of the Shen family! He is still a young and promising young talent!"

Chen Fufen also learned these words from outsiders, and when he came back, he burst out of his mind.

——Of course, this is what Shen Jingyu deliberately arranged for someone to tell her to know.

He wants them to know so that they can know.

They would never know what he didn't want.

"What? Is it true? Mom, don't lie to me!" Her Manni's eyes suddenly lit up, and fireworks were set off in her heart. She really didn't expect that willows and flowers will be another village.

It turned out to miss Xie Yihao, not to miss the whole world.

Chen Fufen was also infinitely joyful, and took her hand and said: "It's true! It's true, I have confirmed it many times! You and the person in charge of the Shen family have a marriage contract! Hahahaha, it really deserves our He family to light the door. Oh, all the hardships come."

He Lu cautiously said: "How do I remember... Manny seems to have given someone a divorce letter?"

When He Manni heard this, her heart trembled fiercely, but she denied it and said: "I sent it, but he must have not received it, and there is no news."

"What's more, I didn't even remember his name at the time. I copied it from the engagement book of the year. It's not clear whether it was written or not."

"He must have not received the resignation letter!"

The more she said, the more she thought so, and she was very affirmed of her own ideas.

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