Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3860: Emperor extra

He was obviously angry.

Usually, a trace of yin prey appeared on the cold face.

"You better remember that you are still Mrs. He now, don't destroy the reputation and reputation of the He family!"

Qiao Jin responded unceremoniously: "If you don't want to be destroyed, then it's best to let me not belong to the He family."

"You better dream."

Qiao Jin broke away from her hand and stopped looking at He Xiasheng.

"Xia Sheng." Xie Lu walked to He Xiasheng's side and took his arm.

She wore a very exquisite evening gown, and the makeup was also specially and carefully trimmed, very outstanding.

It's hard for Qiao Jin not to see her.

And she was holding He Xiasheng's arm, even more dazzling.

"It turned out to be Qiao Jin. I didn't tell us when I came back, Xia Shenghao and I would invite you to dinner."

Xie Lu's tone was somewhat deliberately delicate.

The look of defending sovereignty.

Qiao Jin smiled. If she really has sovereignty, does she still need to defend it?

"Just stay for a few days, do something and leave."

"Do you need any help?"

"Can you help?"

Xie Lu smiled and said, "As long as you speak."

"Then you better ask Mr. He to give me what I want."

Xie Lu was taken aback. This woman really dared to ask for it. No wonder that for so many years, He Xiasheng's heart has not been obtained.

It turned out that she came here to ask He Xiasheng for something.

Just don’t know if it’s shares, cash, or jewelry?

It is estimated that there is still a lot of demand, otherwise he will not wait until now, He Xiasheng has not given it.

"Xia Sheng has always been very generous, Qiao Jin, I believe he will give it to you as long as you ask for something that is not excessive, right?" Xie Lu glanced at He Xiasheng subconsciously.

What does he have to guard so strictly?

"But he just refused to give it. You, the person next to the pillow, it's best to help me persuade." Qiao Jin looked at He Xiasheng with a smile.

"What is it, Xia Sheng? Why don't you give it to Qiao Jin, so that she won't run back and forth." She spoke very generously and understandingly.

He Xiasheng's vision became dangerous, and he stared at Qiao Jin like a falcon, as if he wanted to see through her.

Qiao Jin ignored his gaze and said, "The divorce agreement. Mr. He hasn't signed it yet. Please help me to supervise it and give it to me earlier."

"Divorce Agreement?!" Xie Lu was not only surprised, but also very sour.

Qiao Jin has been away for four years, but He Xiasheng didn't even sign.

After waiting for him for so long, it turns out that he is still attached to Qiao Jin.

He Xiasheng looked at Xie Lu: "You talk too much."

Xie Lu had to close her lips, originally she didn't know what to say, it was completely quiet now.

Qiao Jin turned to leave and walked to Chi Hua's side.

"What's wrong, Qiao Jin?"

"It's okay, Teacher Chi, I want to go back first."

"Okay, I drank too. You can take a taxi and send me the itinerary. I'm so relieved."

"Yeah." Qiao Jin walked out and waited by the side of the road after taking a taxi.

He Xiasheng squinted slightly when he saw her leaving figure.

He calmly moved away from Xie Lu's hand that hooked his arm.

Normally, he always avoided her touch.

In front of Qiao Jin just now, he deliberately didn't avoid it.

But it was obvious that Qiao Jin didn't seem to care, and he didn't even look at the corner of her eye.

She doesn't care about anything.

She only cares about Teme's divorce agreement.

Xie Lu walked to him and whispered: "Xia Sheng, you have already drunk a lot, don't drink so much."

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