Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3862: Emperor extra

Even if I go to the Rising Sun Group, I also go to see the relevant department in charge. Even if I want to see He Xiasheng, I may not be able to see it.

After thinking about it, Qiao Jin looked at the information carefully and prepared for the next day's work.

The next day, Chi Hua took Qiao Jin, another colleague of the department, Fan Mingqi, and several colleagues from another department to the Xuri Group.

"The companies that want to compete for the Rising Sun Group contract have the same capabilities as ours, so if you want to win this contract, everyone has to think about it." Huachi still remembered to remind everyone in the car.

Fan Mingqi nodded: "Don't worry, Manager Hua, we must work hard."

After he finished speaking, he took a look at Qiao Jin: "Qiao Jin, if you have any questions you don't understand, you can just ask me."

He is a senior and Qiao Jin's boss. He has spent many years in Mingxi Design and has rich experience.

He is always willing to give advice to Qiao Jin. He is very good.

Qiao Jin was not polite immediately, and took out her workbook: "Senior Fan, I really have a few questions that I haven't figured out."

"Where, I'll explain it to you." Fan Mingqi took her notebook and explained it in detail to her.

After the group arrived at Xuri Group, people from several other companies also arrived.

As Qiao Jin expected, this kind of thing really doesn't need He Xiasheng to come forward at all, and there are naturally people who handle it.

Not only that, from the perspective of the personnel level of the Rising Sun Group, this list should be just an ordinary small list for the Rising Sun Group. Among the people who come to the dock, there is not even a middle-level personnel.

Thinking of this, Qiao Jin feels relaxed and feels much more comfortable when dealing with work.

An employee of the Rising Sun Group sitting diagonally opposite, looked at Qiao Jin several times.

On the way he came over and poured Qiao Jin a glass of water: "Mrs. He, is that you?"

"I'm Qiao Jin, not Mrs. He." Qiao Jin looked familiar with him, guessing that it was someone who had seen him and He Xiasheng before.

The other party said "Oh" and didn't say much.

Although Qiao Jin was indeed Mrs. He before, everyone has not seen her in many years.

There was no big news from the He family, but He Xiasheng had been alone in these years, everyone saw it.

For several days, the work was so heavy that Qiao Jin didn't want to think about anything else, and even forgot that this was the Rising Sun Group.

When Han Dong went to the secretary's office to assign work, he heard that everyone was talking about gossip.

"Some people say that seeing Mr. He's ex-wife come to the company, it seems that he came for a project this time."

"Is it Qiao Jin?"

"I don't know, is there anyone else in Mr. He's ex-wife?"

"So the people below are a bit unsure about which company this project is going to go to."

"What are you talking about, there is no need to do anything?" Han Dong put the file on the table.

Seeing Han Dong coming, everyone shut up.

But there was still a bold question: "Assistant Han, have you heard of Qiao Jin's gossip?"

"I haven't heard it, don't talk nonsense, be careful not to protect your work."

Immediately everyone stopped talking at all.

After Han Dong arranged the work, he went to the project department to take a look.

Sure enough, seeing Qiao Jin's figure, she was busy.

However, the floor she was on was very far away from the top floor where He Xiasheng was, and the ability to gossip could reach that far.

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