Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3866: Emperor extra

Chi Hua wants to know that a girl like Qiao Jin must have a high-sightedness.

Although Fan Mingqi has worked for several years and his economic situation is stable, his height and appearance are not outstanding. He is a typical economically suitable man.

Seeing this, Chi Hua also understood Qiao Jin's mentality, and she would never give people another chance to pursue Qiao Jin in the future.

"Qiao Jin, you need to come to Xuri Group to work overtime on weekends." Chi Hua said to her.

"Why Qiao Jin? Is she alone?" Fan Mingqi asked.

Qiao Jin already knew that this was He Xiasheng's idea.

This person is doing things vigorously and resolutely, so he told himself over there, and it has already been passed on here.

“It’s Qiao Jin alone. The request of the Xuri Group’s project department is to find a meticulous employee to work with. I think that the Xuri Group’s request is already very optimistic about our company. We have a good chance of winning. I can’t give up such a good opportunity in vain. I think about it, Qiao Jin is the most suitable. Qiao Jin, you will have to come here for a hard time. I will apply for overtime subsidies for you at that time, and take a break within the week. Do you have any question?"

"No problem." Qiao Jin had to agree.

He Xiasheng came here specifically for himself, even if he fights against Chi Hua, it is of no use.

If it’s because I’m alone, I’m sorry that Chi Hua has taken care of himself for so long.

Chi Hua glanced at Fan Mingqi and said: "The Rising Sun Group is a big company, and people come and go on weekends. Even if Qiao Jin is asked to help overtime, it will not be dangerous. As long as there is one person, I can't Arrange for one more person to come over?"

Fan Mingqi had to hold back.

"I heard that you are also responsible for the reception work. You dress better." Chi Hua exhorted.

Qiao Jin returned home and had to explain the situation to Aunt Liu, and trouble her to come over on weekends.

"It's not impossible to go to work on weekends, even I have to look after the children at home on weekends."

"I can pay you for overtime."

"Then I'll come here." Aunt Liu is also a kind person, and the conditions at home are not very good, otherwise she wouldn't have come out to work at such an old age.

When she heard that Qiao Jin was paying overtime, she had no opinion.

Aunt Liu has said it here, but Xiaoyi hasn't said it yet.

Xiaoyi is playing with a paper airplane and sitting on the ground.

"Little one." Qiao Jin sat beside him.

"Is mom going to accompany me to the zoo?" Xiaoyi raised his eyes and said, Qiao Jin's heart was sour when she saw her sparkling eyes.

"I'm sorry, my mother has to work overtime on weekends, so I can't go with him this week."

Xiaoyi was really disappointed, the bright color in his eyes disappeared.

But soon, he raised his head and said: "Then mother must take care of herself. I am tired after a week of work. Come back early to rest in the evening."

Qiao Jin's eyes were slightly hot, and she hugged him: "Then mom will finish her work as soon as possible, and she will definitely accompany Xiaoyi to the zoo."

"Yeah." Xiaoyi replied obediently.

When Qiao Jin left on Saturday, Xiaoyi was still sleeping.

She kissed Xiao Yi on the forehead, confessed to Aunt Liu gently, and then went out.

Chi Hua said that there is a reception job today, so he should dress up better.

So Qiao Jin didn't wear the usual ladies' suits, but changed into a skirt, a silk-textured shirt and a hip skirt in the formal suit.

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