Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3888: Emperor extra

Qiao Jin's eyes were covered with a faint moisture.

No matter what He Xiasheng did, she couldn't erase the different forms of care from her elders.

He Xingjian picked up the wine glass: "Come on, let's welcome Sister Xiao Qiao."

The whole family toasts together and meets together.

He Xiasheng's expression has always been faint, as he did before, without much emotion.

Lan Xi kicked him under the table and motioned him to pick Qiao Jin with his eyes.

He Xiasheng caught a chopstick fish and put it into Qiao Jin's bowl.

Qiao Jin smiled and put the fish into Lan Xi's bowl: "This is the fish that grandpa caught by himself. Grandma should eat more. I can only eat such a good fish because of my grandma's light."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

After the meal, Qiao Jin sat for a while, then got up and left.

"I won't keep you, young people go back and gather together." Lan Xi smiled, and took out the gifts He Xiasheng bought, "I have accepted all these things, Xiao Qiao is really interested."

"Then Qiao Jin and I will go back first." He Xiasheng stood up.

He Xingjian also stood up: "I'll see you off."

"I want you to send it." Ye Shu pulled him to sit down, "Drink your tea."

Qiao Jin walked out side by side with He Xiasheng.

Because he was driving, He Xiasheng didn't drink, and when he toasted, he just drank some boiled water as a gesture.

Qiao Jin drank a little with the old man.

After getting in the car, Qiao Jin didn't open her eyelashes until the car drove out of the He's compound and said faintly: "You haven't told them about our divorce?"

"Isn't there you haven't left yet?" He Xiasheng turned the steering wheel skillfully, his tone of voice for granted.

"He Xiasheng, how long has it been since I gave you the divorce agreement? Also, why didn't you talk about your own affairs?"

"This is also your home, why don't you speak?"

He glanced at her lightly.

Isn't it that you don't want to stab your elders with a knife, so you hold back and didn't speak?

In the face of such a family, how could Qiao Jin speak?

Qiao Jin was a little drunk: "When are you going to tell them?"

Anyway, this is impossible for her to say.

In this marriage, she has done everything she should do.

He Xiasheng glanced over her carelessly: "I don't agree to the divorce, why should I tell them?"

Qiao Jin: "..."

She has known him for so many years, and she really didn't find him so shameless.

She used to think he was gentle and black, and his character was a little gloomy.

Now I know that shamelessness is his biggest protective color.

"What's more, do you think you can leave He's house?"

"Why can't I live without?"

"Where can you go after leaving?"

He penetrated all her softheartedness, so if he didn't open this mouth, his family would never know about it.

They didn't know about the divorce, and even if she made trouble, He Xiasheng would only treat her as a wayward joking.

Even if several years have passed, he still knows it well.

Qiao Jin gritted her teeth and said, "To them, I do feel soft, but to you, I will never again."

Even if he doesn't open this mouth, sooner or later, she will find the opportunity to talk to them personally.

It will not be controlled by him because of this.

"If I don't get a divorce, you will always be Mrs. He."

With a "pop", a loud slap in the face sounded.

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