Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3901: Emperor extra

"It's not impossible to sign." Qiao Jin's voice was slow and firm, "Then you first bookmark my divorce agreement."

"Qiao Jin!"

This time, this sentence came from He Xiasheng's teeth.

Qiao Jin stared at him without fear, ignoring his anger, surprise and discomfort.

She used to care about his feelings so much and never made him angry. What did she get?

Now she doesn't care at all, but her mentality is relaxed.

"It seems that he is always reluctant, then forget it." Qiao Jin was not disappointed either.

Not being able to get the divorce agreement is expected, but she will no longer be the second party he calls at will.

After she finished speaking, she pushed the contract to He Xiasheng again, turned around and left.

After entering the elevator, Qiao Jin felt a sweat on her back.

When he got downstairs, Chi Hua said with a smile, "Qiao Jin!"

Fan Mingqi shook the contract in his hand: "Qiao Jin, see what we got?"

"The contract of the Rising Sun Group?" Qiao Jin said silently.

"Yeah, I heard that the content of Qiu Yu's design is not good. I have not passed the high-level test. I replaced it with us." Fan Mingqi was in the mood, and he didn't notice how ugly Qiao Jin's face was. "Now the contract has all been completed. After signing, the process is not cumbersome at all for a large company like Xuri Group. Sign the contract with us as quickly as possible. The first prepayment will be entered into the company's account tomorrow."

"Yes, next, I should apply for overtime subsidies and bonuses for you. I have a treat tonight!" Chi Hua said openly.

"Qiao Jin, are you uncomfortable?" Fan Mingqi was excited before seeing Qiao Jin's face.

"It's okay, just a little tired."

"This period of time is really hard for you." Chi Hua said, "Then I will treat you another day?"

Fan Mingqi also said with understanding, "Any day will do."

Qiao Jin returned home. Qin Tianlan was at the gate of the community and saw her waving and shouting: "Qiao Jin!"

"How did you come?"

"Look at the little one." Qin Tianlan carried the various foods he bought, "The salary is paid today! I heard that your company has also won a big project, why didn't you go to celebrate?"

"Don't mention it." Qiao Jin briefly said about what happened during this period.

"What you mean is that He Xiasheng deliberately signed your company, and then asked you to connect, so as to keep you and do whatever you want?"

Qiao Jin thought for a while: "I dare not be 100% sure, but the facts seem to be the case. How can you say that he can do such a thing?"

Although Mingxi Design won the project, if He Xiasheng did something in it because of his own relationship, the life of Mingxi Design may not be easy.

Qin Tianlan reached out and hugged her: "No worries can't be solved by a hot pot meal. First go upstairs, we will get some food, and then we will come to think of a solution."

Back upstairs, Qiao Jin temporarily left the matter behind and chatted with Qin Tianlan to wash the vegetables.

Xiaoyi ran around.

The atmosphere is calm and lively.

After boiling the hot pot, Xiaoyi went to watch cartoons.

Qiao Jin washes the dishes while Qin Tianlan washes them.

She suddenly said: "Tianlan, I said that if I resign and change company, will it be a good solution?"

"It's a good way, but don't you want your bonus?"

"If you can't bear it, you're going to make big plans," Qiao Jin said earnestly.

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