Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 391: Those voices

"These..." He Ning turned his head and slammed into his chest.

Shen Jingyu's voice was a little muffled: "I think of my negligence, but I didn't even send you flowers."

"Yes, you gave me all the Fendai all over the yard." He Ning was already very satisfied in her heart.

"Those don't count." Shen Jingyu shook his head, not counting at all. The things that were given out of jealousy and had to be compared with other men were too different from those that were given sincerely.

He was still too dereliction of duty to do better.

"No, everything you did before was very good. All very good." He Ning said sincerely.

Shen Jingyu hugged her smoothly: "As your husband, I should do better."

Put her in a bubble bath full of flowers, and he also sinks in.

After burying her in her body, he gently rubbed it slowly, and made her a whole body of fine sweat, and his voice became hoarse, before he was willing to give up.

After washing with difficulty, when he was taken out, He Ning's body was soft, very tired, and more comfortable and happy.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that the empty room just now had been arranged with roses.

In other words, when she and him were in the bathroom just now, someone was arranged outside to arrange the decoration.

That is to say, have all the shameful voices that she made just now been heard?

He Ning raised her hand and covered her cheek: "Ashamed, did they all hear..."

"I made them wear earplugs." Shen Jingyu said seriously.

He Ning let go of her hand, and the bright red was printed on her eyes, and she liked it in her heart.

She smiled crookedly: "My husband, I am so happy, I love it!"

"Me too." Shen Jingyu kissed her earlobe softly.

Knowing every sensitive point of her, irritating every part of her body, and then burying herself in it, to feel the tightness and sweetness...

This made it impossible for He Ning to go to the company the next morning.

He slept well and went to the company in the afternoon.

As soon as he arrived, Gong Yunxi couldn't help saying: "He Ning, I have heard many people say that He Manni is going to marry Sanye Shen of Jingyuan Shen's family, and I don't know if it is true. But many people have begun to please. He Manni has them."

Shen Jingyu had already communicated this matter with He Ning in advance, so He Ning only found it funny.

"Do you think it is true?" He Ning asked with a smile.

Gong Yunxi didn't know that He Ning's current husband was Sanye Shen. After thinking about it, she said, "I don't think it will be. Since Sanye Shen is powerful and powerful, it is definitely impossible to see He Manni."

"I think too." He Ning said with a smile.

"Yes, that's because I think too much. In fact, even other shareholders don't believe it." Gong Yunxi smiled at her boredom.

However, when he got off work in the afternoon, He Manni came to wait for He Ning early in the morning.

"He Ning, Shen Sanye and my wedding, you probably haven't received the invitation yet?" He Manni asked with a smile, with triumphant lines on her face and brand-new brand all over her body.

It seems that she didn't use credit cards less, anyway, she might think of marrying Sanye Shen, these are not enough expenses.

"No." He Ning smiled slightly, isn't it weird to receive invitations as a bride?

He Manni smiled and said: "That's right, I'll give you one. Please be there at that time, and you must come to cheer for me."

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