Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3911: Emperor extra

He Xiasheng knocked his knuckles on the table and said these two sentences lightly.

Qiuyu Design is already on the verge of bankruptcy, and this plan to pull He Xiasheng into sinking together seems to work very well on the surface.

The boss Wang Zhi also didn't accept this tone, so he posted this post.

After the distribution, he found a team of lawyers, planning to transfer part of the property to the United States as soon as possible, and then file for bankruptcy.

However, the news awaiting him is: "Mr. Wang, the company has gone bankrupt!"


"Now it has entered the liquidation process. Cooperative companies, employees and workers are all clamoring for salary outside the door!"

Wang Zhi suddenly became confused and knew that he was finished.

He wanted this wave to keep his old books and go abroad to live a happy life.

But such sudden bankruptcy shattered all his dreams.

Now, all the finances in the company will be used to repay the debt, and it is not enough to pay in all his house assets, and how to go abroad to live a happy life!

He only knew now that outsiders said not to mess with He Xiasheng, why on earth!


Rising Sun Group, Han Dong presided over the external clarification meeting.

Reporters showed up one after another and came to the company's hospitality hall.

Qiao Jin waited patiently, waiting for Rising Sun Group to step on himself to wash He Xiashenghe's company.

He Xiasheng has always valued interests, and had no affection for her in her early years, let alone now.

He Xiasheng is definitely the one who can do this kind of thing.

Qin Tianlan called and said cautiously: "Qiao Jin, do you want me to come over to accompany the little one at night?"

"No, I'll get off work and go back in a while. However, if you come to drink with me, I will not dislike it."

Look, people all over the world know that He Xiasheng is going to step on Qiao Jin to wash it out.

This is exactly the ending He Xiasheng wants to see.

"Then I will buy wine. Red and white, what would you like to drink?"

"It's red!" Qiao Jin said with a smile.

Qin Tianlan comforted her: "Alright, you will have what you want when the time comes. Let everyone see what kind of white-eyed wolf he is. Qiao Jin, He Xiasheng is not worth having such a good you, but you are worth it. Have other better men."

"Yes, I always think so, but he doesn't let anyone go. I'm about to be forced to derail my marriage."

"Hahahaha, I will introduce you to the little fresh meat in the company when I look back!"

Xie Lu led some people into the hospitality hall.

At this moment, this place has been surrounded by reporters.

"What about Mr. He, will he show up?"

"What do you think of this small case?"

The reporters whispered.

Han Dong pressed his hands down and said, "Everyone, I will chair the meeting today. I am He Xiasheng He's assistant. I have full authority to explain and clarify what happened before on his behalf."

The reporters did not speak any more, and all fell silent.

The sound of a needle falling in the hall can be heard.

With the formal progress of the meeting, the reporters began to turn on the microphones and cameras, and there was a hum of machines running in the whole hall.

"The next video I want to play is all our clarifications. I will answer related questions later, but only this time. It will not expire."

Han Dong finished speaking and turned on the big screen.

On the big screen, a clear and complete video appeared.

Xie Lu's face changed slightly when she saw it.

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