Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3917: Emperor extra

The people toasting to He Xiasheng, one after another.

This crop has just left, and the next crop is immediately picked up.

In the intertwining of coveted chips, He Xiasheng's face was outlined in a dim loneliness in the bright and flickering lights.

He lowered his eyes, and when someone came forward, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one go.

"Mr. He, I will respect you again." A beautiful and tall woman stood in front of He Xiasheng with a soft tone.

This is a representative of the partner who came today. There is a shadow of Qiao Jin between her eyes. The originally capable beauty has a shy blush on her face because of a few consecutive glasses of wine.

"Good." He Xiasheng drank the wine in one sip.

"He has a good drink, and I'll give him a full drink."

She was holding the wine bottle, why did Xia Sheng pour a glass on the floor, there are so many kinds of amorous feelings between her eyebrows, and if her fingers brushed He Xiasheng's knuckles like nothing.

In this situation, many people would not mind sending hints to the person they like.

Men who are in a high position like He Xiasheng but are still very young are more scarce than beautiful women.

There is always no shortage of people who embrace him.

He Xiasheng's eyebrows were silent, but he quickly took off her fingers, put down the wine glass, and said, "I'm going to miss you first."

That beauty was a little disappointed.

He Xiasheng has already strode out.

Han Dong immediately followed and handed over the hangover medicine: "Mr He, take one."

"No." He Xiasheng knew that he was sober, but he was drunk in his heart.

The woman just now made Qiao Jin's figure quickly jump into his mind.

Suddenly, he jumped in. After the power outage in the building that night, he kissed Qiao Jin's image and touch fiercely.

I have known Qiao Jin for nearly 20 years. She came to He's house when she was six years old. The years of acquaintance between the two have surpassed most of their lives.

Everyone said that Qiao Jin took the initiative to like him and pursued him fiercely.

But he didn't know that he was attracted and noticed by her when she came.

Facing the mirror, He Xiasheng held cold water on her face.

On the stern face, the water droplets slowly dripped and slid down.

He found the cell phone and entered Qiao Jin's phone number.

After a few rings, it was picked up over there.

"Hello, Mr. He." It was Qiao Jin's formulaic voice, with some softness that he didn't have during the day.

He Xiasheng suddenly didn't know what to say.

He wanted to say that he wanted to miss her very much, to the bones, to the fatal, to the heartache, would she believe it?

In the past few years she left, he spent all of his time at work.

The performance of the Rising Sun Group is booming, and it is becoming more stable in the industry. Everyone knows that the Rising Sun Group is booming.

But no one knows his loneliness and tossing and turning in the middle of the night.

"Hello?" Qiao Jin was a little weird over there, "You speak."

He Xiasheng hung up the phone, put his hands on the sink, and lowered his head to relieve his drunkenness and gaffe.


"He Xiasheng called?" Qin Tianlan asked.

"Yeah, I didn't say anything when I called. I guess it was a mistake." Qiao Jin said, "Don't worry about him."

"Jiang Yuche, you can open this bottle of wine." Qin Tianlan handed the wine to Jiang Yuche.

Today, Qin Tianlan had an appointment with Qiao Jin to have dinner and drink together. It happened that Jiang Yuche was also planning to celebrate Qiao Jin, and the three of them happened to be together.

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