Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3920: Emperor extra

And He Xiasheng's disappointment was obvious, he didn't expect Xie Lu to come.

This means that Qiao Jin forwarded the message to her and asked her to come over!

This is the second time!

The last time it was at the door of the pharmacy.

This time again!

How much does Qiao Jin want to see him?

"Mr. He, let me give you medicine." Xie Lu saw the injury on the back of his hand at a glance and walked towards the medicine box.

Even though she was dressed like this, she didn't intend to take care of him and give him medicine at all.

"Get out!"

Xie Lu stagnated, still smiling: "Then I..."

"I will let you out!"

Xie Lu lowered her head and left without hesitation.

The door clicked softly and closed.

He Xiasheng squeezed her eyebrows fiercely, until that spot was white, and she hadn't stopped her hands.

He picked up his jacket and strode out.

After Qin Tianlan and Jiang Yuche left, the night sky rose.

There is nothing to clean up, Qiao Jin is good at cooking, and has undertaken the task of cooking at night, and Qin Tianlan and Jiang Yuche have undertaken the heavy task of cleaning up and washing the dishes.

As soon as the two left, everything recovered, and the air was quiet and quiet.

Aunt Liu doesn't live at home, Qiao Jin wants to take her primary one, and doesn't drink much.

She came out after taking a shower, she was sober, she had no intention of drinking, only sleep.

Turning off the light easily, she turned on the light of the phone and walked to the little one's room.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Qiao Jin was a little surprised, who will it be this late?

Could it be that Qin Tianlan and Jiang Yuche left something?

She walked to the door, looked out of the cat's eyes, and when she saw He Xiasheng, she was so agitated and her sleepiness disappeared. How could He Xiasheng come here?

In order to prevent He Xiasheng from knowing her specific address, when she left the address in the company, she only left a rough outline.

I'm afraid that this will happen tonight.

Seeing He Xiasheng standing at the door, her blood flow suddenly surged, and she looked at Xiaoyi's room worriedly.

Qiao Jin insisted not to open the door, pretending that there was no one at home.

He Xiasheng stopped ringing the doorbell and knocked instead.

The night is getting late, this kind of knocking method makes the movement very loud, just a few more sounds, and the little one will wake up.

Qiao Jin had to reach out and open the door.

"He Xiasheng, are you sick?" Qiao Jin shouted in a low voice.

Before she finished roaring, He Xiasheng opened the door, clamped her hand, and closed the door directly.

The room was dark, and Qiao Jin's phone fell on the ground.

"He Xiasheng!"

Qiao Jin struggled desperately when he smelled the huge smell of alcohol on his body. She knew that he was not a person who values ​​desires. He was also very restrained during the two years of being a husband and wife.

But who knows what a drunk like him would do?

After Qiao Jin finished speaking, He Xiasheng not only didn't constrain, but kissed it without any rules.

The smell of red wine mixed with the faint smell of tobacco from him was not unpleasant, but Qiao Jin was very resistant.

In the darkness, the two are like hunting beasts and avoiding antelopes, each struggling, desperately trying to obtain and escape.

He Xiasheng was really angry tonight, she didn't come here, but why did Xie Lu come here?

Could it be that in her mind, the relationship between the husband and wife was so completely wiped out?

He can allow her to be angry and she flees, but he will never allow her to push herself to other people!

In the darkness, Qiao Jin fumbled for the light switch and turned everyone on.

The light came suddenly, shaking people's eyes.

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