Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3922: Emperor extra

In normal times, He Xiasheng would only think that he was funny. It was obviously the face of a little sheep, but he insisted on acting like a little wolf dog.

But at this moment, his eyes were filled with surprises, surprises, surprises, and even deep guilt and self-blame...

"Well, let's talk about work, and it will be over soon." Qiao Jin said with the most gentle voice when facing the first one, turning her head towards He Xiasheng at the door, with a calm tone of anger and faint anger, said, " Mr. He, the work is finished, you still don’t leave?"

"Wait!" Xiaoyi shouted at He Xiasheng.

He Xiasheng didn't want to leave at first. Hearing Xiaoyi's words, he stayed more at ease.

"Is it always?" Xiaoyi walked over and raised her head to look at him, "Don't always bully my mommy, my mommy is already very responsible for her work. Bullying a girl is a good guy, who has the ability to do it." Find me! I tell you, when I grow up, I will definitely defeat you!"

"Where is your father?" He Xiasheng found her voice after a long while.

Qiao Jin held Xiaoyi vigilantly, and said to He Xiasheng: "Mr. He, don't leave yet? Do you have any work, it's not too late to talk about it tomorrow!"

"Little One, where's your father?"

"I don't have a father, I was born by Mommy!" Xiaoyi said proudly.

He Xiasheng looked at Qiao Jin with a sharp gaze, and pierced her fiercely, as if to pierce her through, "Qiao Jin, tell me!"

Qiao Jin patted Xiaoyi: "You go back to the room and wait for Mommy, okay?"

"I protect mommy!"


The little one passed first.

After he left, Qiao Jin slowly said, "It's Jiang Yuche."

She knew that if she did not name a man with a name and a surname, she would not be able to send He Xiasheng away.

Jiang Yuche is the only man who meets this qualification next to her.

He Xiasheng squeezed his fist, and the knuckles turned white for a while. The wound had not been treated just now, and blood permeated through the knuckles again.

"It's our kid, isn't it?"

"No! It's me and Jiang Yuche!" Qiao Jin insisted, "In this world, I am not a man to you. He Xiasheng, what confidence do you have in thinking that I will continue to hurt me and take away The man who had my child gave birth to a child?"

These words struck He Xiasheng's heart hard.

There were bursts of blood red in his deep eyes.

His face was pale white.

On the handsome and extraordinary facial features, the action brought by the gnashing of the teeth made the slightest twist.

Yes, he used to let people take her child away personally, and it was him who personally cut off the worry between the two people.

At that time, he thought that this would make him feel better and relieve his demons.

However, everything is in vain.

The demons are still there, but they are being raised more and more to break through the soul.

"He Xiasheng, from the day we handed you the divorce agreement, we are over. Please recognize this reality." Qiao Jin's tone was cold without any warmth.

"Qiao Jin!" Jiang Yuche's voice came from the aisle.

Seeing He Xiasheng was there, he walked over quickly, walked in and stood beside Qiao Jin, holding her shoulders with both hands: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, Mr. He will come over and explain some work to me." Qiao Jin said lightly, and didn't even want to repeat and magnify the contradiction with He Xiasheng in any language.

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