Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3932: Emperor extra

In the summer after the rain, the air was much fresher.

Qiao Jin's body is only a minor problem, but she still stayed at home for two more days.

He Xiasheng was pressed to work overtime before, so she now rests and rests confidently.

After sending Primary One to school that day, she left for the company leisurely.

Han Donglai swayed downstairs and saw her, handing over the heatstroke prevention medicine in his hand: "Miss Qiao."

"what is this?"

"I got the medicine for you in the infirmary." Han Dong said, "I took it myself. It has nothing to do with Mr. He."

"I have medicine in the infirmary. I can get it myself." Qiao Jin didn't answer it. "You can keep the medicine you take."

"I really took this for you." Han Dong followed her into the office, put the medicine on her desk, and left quickly.

Qiao Jin picked it up and glanced at it and put it aside.

After Han Dong went out, he went to the infirmary and looked around.

It was confirmed that the medical office now has a series of drugs for preventing heatstroke, painkillers, brown sugar, etc., and then left with satisfaction.

"Mr. He, everything has been arranged. The medicine has also been delivered to Miss Qiao."

"Got it."

Seeing that He Xiasheng had nothing to say, Han Dong turned and left.

I was stopped just after leaving: "Did she say anything?"

"...She said thank you."

He Xiasheng knew that she couldn't say anything good, so just thank you?

At noon.

lunch time.

People come and go in the staff canteen.

When He Xiasheng walked into the canteen, he was very low-key and did not attract too many people's attention.

Not far away, He Xingjian was immersed in eating.

He was stammering, he could not help but look up when he felt someone sitting down.

Seeing He Xiasheng at a glance, he smiled and said, "Big Brother!"

"I am full?"

"It's still eating. Why did you eat it? I'll get you some."

He Xingjian was about to get up, and He Xiasheng greeted him and sat down.

"Big brother, what are you doing here without eating?"

"What have you been up to lately?"

He Xingjian knew that his drunkard was not interested in drinking, and deliberately pretended not to understand: "Nothing is busy."

"Is it interesting to work on the Portuguese West construction site?"

He Xingjian heard his deep threat.

He never wanted to go to the construction site anymore. It was too tired and hot. The key was far away from the city. He could only eat the big pot choi on the construction site for three meals a day.

For He Xingjian, a foodie, this is simply the greatest torment in his life.

"No, no, it's more interesting here."

He Xiasheng stretched out his finger and tapped the tabletop gently, "So what?"

He Xingjian: "..."

He Xingjian: "...I haven't been busy lately. Although I have met Sister Xiao Qiao several times, I have been entrusted by my mother."

He Xiasheng had two plain words written in his eyes: "Continue."

"I just gave her some of Xiao Qiao's dowry. Didn't she bring her a little one, life alone is very hard, my mother and grandma love her. Other than that, there is nothing else. You don't believe you Ask Sister Xiao Qiao yourself."

After He Xingjian finished speaking, he suddenly realized: "Oh...you dare not ask her personally, and you want to know her current situation."

Seeing He Xiasheng's face darkening, He Xingjian saved it: "No, no, no, you are too busy to ask her, not afraid to ask, I was wrong."

"Eat your meal well." He Xia rose and left.

He Xingjian looked at his back and mumbled: "Why did you know that before? I really can't understand these men and women who are in love."

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