Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3944: Emperor extra

Ye Shu and He Yiming came to the side, and after sitting for a while, Ye Shu said, "I don't know what happened to Xiaoyi?"

"Listen to Jane, and take it with the nanny."

"I'll go see him." Ye Shu stood up.

He Yiming knew that she was in a panic right now, and waiting here forever, on the contrary made her anxious and at a loss what to do.

It would be better to accompany her, take the little one, and divert her attention, but it will help her mood.

So he immediately notified the driver to drive over to pick up Ye Shu, and he accompany her in the car and rushed to Qiao Jin's old residence.


He Xingjian was also panicked. If there is something wrong with one of the two, he doesn't know what to do.

I haven't dared to inform Xiaoyi and give him to the nanny Aunt Liu to take him. I can only talk about it when Qiao Jin wakes up.

Shen Jingle came over, with a little loneliness in the coldness.

"Second brother, how did you say my eldest brother was injured? Is it serious?"

"Wait for the operation to be over." Shen Jingle was as deserted as ever.

He Xingjian sighed.

The two waited.

He Xingjian rushed over when he heard a ding from the operating room.

He Xiasheng came out first, and the doctor looked relieved: "After the operation, the bomb shrapnel was taken out, and it was no major problem. Fortunately, all the shrapnel rushed to the body and limbs. The wounded wore police bulletproof vests and did not hurt their heads. If you don’t, then the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Thank you, doctor." He Xingjian thanked him, and accompanied the doctor and nurse to send He Xiasheng to the ward.

Suddenly, He Xiasheng sat up directly, shocked that all the instruments made a dripping sound.

The doctor hurriedly said: "Although you didn't hurt your head, you still lost too much blood elsewhere. Don't be surprised like this, otherwise it will affect your recovery."

"Where is Qiao Jin? How about her?"

Before fainting, he realized that the person he was protecting was not Qiao Jin.

So where is the real Qiao Jin?

"Big Brother, Sister Xiao Qiao has no major problems, but she's a little unconscious, don't worry too much."

"Where is she?"

"Under the doctor's examination. She is much less injured than you."

"I went to see."

He Xingjian stopped him: "You can't see anyone now. What's more, the doctors have said that if you go there like this, you will have problems."

He Xiasheng was forced back and lay on the hospital bed.

His injuries were concentrated on his limbs and back, and his eyebrows twitched with the pain.

He Xingjian hurriedly withdrew her hand.

"Big Brother, Sister Xiao Qiao escaped by herself. She should have found the opportunity and understood the underground structure better, so she escaped directly. It was only because the airflow of the explosion was too large at the time, and she was flustered. After being detained for another two days, Tuoli went into a coma."

He Xiasheng heard these words and lay back slowly.

"As for the two kidnappers, they are really Jiang Han and Lu Yuling. Didn’t Xiao Qiao run away? Jiang Han wanted to use Lu Yuling to pretend to deceive you. Lu Yuling was blown to death, which made it easy for him to get out. But Lu Yuling also discovered this and knew his careful thinking, so he struggled desperately.

It is precisely because of this that the bomb was ignited, causing the entire sewer to be bombed.

Fortunately, although your injuries are serious, they are not fatal. Two other police officers suffered minor bruises. The overall situation is fairly good. "

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