Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 396: Give birth to an uncomfortable feeling

"Ye Qing, can't you and my big brother really be together?" He Peishan looked at her and asked aloud.

"It's not... If someone persuades that woman, I believe General He will still wake up..." Ye Qing said, finally getting the matter to this point.

She just wanted to use He Peishan's hand to complete the suppression of Ye Shu.

"That woman, where is she now?" He Peishan clutched her clothes tightly, with a vicious look in her eyes.

Ye Qing waited for her to ask for a long time, and said in detail: "She is called Ye Shu and has a very good relationship with He Ning."

"Because she wanted more opportunities to seduce General He, she also asked me to interview me."

"Because she discovered that only by my side can I see General He more..."

"Then ask her to come here. I want to see her." He Peishan had nothing to do with He Ning.

But to deal with a woman who dares to seduce her eldest brother, she still has some means.


After Ye Shu and Hening arrived at Jingyuan, they came to a hospital as agreed with Ye Shu.

"Strange, why would Ye Shu ask to meet here?" He Ning felt a bad premonition.

She glanced at the direction inside the hospital, always feeling that meeting here was uncomfortable.

"She just has a lot of quirks, I don't believe what she can do to me. Let's go and see her." Ye Shu said, walking in with He Ning's arm.

He Ning glanced behind him.

Fortunately, she is smart, and today she took the bodyguard that Shen Jingyu arranged for her.

She doesn't have a bodyguard when she goes to work or goes shopping, and she feels uncomfortable.

There are bodyguards today, but I feel much more relieved.

Walking along the aisles of this clean, simple and comfortable hospital, they soon stopped in front of a glass ward.

"This house is so beautiful." Ye Shu sighed, "This is the first time I saw such a house in a hospital."

He Ning was also watching: "I don't know Ye Qing's appointment here, what's the purpose?"

Ye Shu raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Ye Qing had already seen her coming, walked over to open the door, smiled and said, "Miss Ye Shu, are you here?"

She was surprised when she saw He Ning.

Unexpectedly, He Ning would come with him.

He Ning smiled and said, "Miss Ye, I came with Ye Shu. Do you mind?"

"Don't mind, please come in." Ye Qing smiled, "I am making clothes for a guest today, so I have to invite you to come here."

He Ning and Ye Shu followed her gaze and saw a girl with long hair, sitting quietly on a chair, looking out of the glass.

The air was quiet and the room was very warm, but He Ning suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Ye Shu said, "Miss Ye, if you are here, won't you disturb your guests?"

Just after speaking, He Peishan turned his head back, a smile appeared on his pale face: "No, I like to see people more often."

When she turned back, Ye Shu was surprised, because she looked so familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

She thought for a while, and then remembered, isn't this woman actually similar to He Ning?

Although in terms of eyebrows and facial features, He Ning is more feminine and magnificent, He Peishan is more sharp, even the pale and sick state can hardly conceal the sharpness of her expression.

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