Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 409: Express how to love someone

Ye Shu looked at her worriedly: "He Ning, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, just think about what grandma said." He Ning smiled.

"But your hands are still so cold...You don't want to give the third master to that Shanshan, right?"

He Ning immediately shook his head and denied Ye Shu's statement: "How come?"

"Grandma Shen said, San Ye doesn't like that woman. So don't think about it so much. If San Ye really likes her, how can you wait until now?" Ye Shu said seriously.

In fact, she is also a little unsure...

He Ning is somewhat similar to Shan Shan.

What if Sanye really used He Ning as a stand-in?

Ye Shu didn't dare to think about this possibility, nor could he say these things.

So when she comforted He Ning, it was better to say that she was earnestly convincing herself that none of this had anything to do with all those fantasies.

He Ning understood what Ye Shu thought.

She understood her kindness better, so she smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't give up this relationship."

"If every time someone says something, I have to give up, am I too distrustful of myself and him?"

"It's good if you can think like this." Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief, "Emotional things are not easy, you must persist!"

Back to the west of Portugal, Ye Shu reluctantly said goodbye to He Ning.

When He Ning returned to the villa, the uncertainty accumulated in her heart lingered slightly in her heart.

"San Ye hasn't come back yet. But he told me to ask the young lady to have dinner earlier." Aunt Chen greeted her with a smile.

"Good." He Ning agreed.

After dinner, Qin Zheng and Lawyer Nie came together.

He Ning was a little surprised.

"Young grandma, San Ye confessed that there is a document for you to sign." Qin Zheng handed it forward.

He Ning took the pen and paper and signed his name without hesitation.

Then she remembered and asked, "What is this?"

"It's the document that Sanye transferred his property to you."

"Why?" He Ning was slightly surprised, lowered his head and looked through it carefully, and saw that most of his property under his name had been transferred to her.

After she signed it, it was confirmed to be effective.

In fact, Qin Zheng didn't know why, San Ye was so generous, and he was also very surprised.

The only thing he can think of is: "San Ye might express his love in this way."

After all, he can only use this way to express how to love someone.

The shares were given before, but now they are given again...

He Ning really thinks it's too much.

Lawyer Nie smiled and said, "Don't worry, my young lady. I have a team of lawyers to help you take care of these properties. I will definitely arrange them properly."

He Ning was not worried, but felt that he had given enough that she could not afford it.

What happened to He Peishan during the day was also suppressed by the shock now.

Qin Zheng handed over a document, but He Ning did not take it over: "What does this need to be signed? If you give me something again, I won't sign it."

She even regretted signing the document just now.

"Young grandma, this is the genealogy of the Shen family." Qin Zheng smiled. "San Ye said that the wedding will be officially held soon, but there are many Shen family members and you haven't been able to get to know them one by one, so it's better to look at the genealogy first. "

He Ning accepted it with confidence and opened it.

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