Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 416: You are you, she is her

Shen Jingyu felt guilty towards He Ning. Looking at her sleeping face, the lingering emotions in her heart almost stabbed him.

Hold the person directly back to the room and put it on the bed.

She was still asleep, but when he was about to leave, she reached out and grabbed his skirt.

"I'm not going." Shen Jingyu replied in a low voice.

Can detect the anxiety and tension deep in her heart.

She didn't ask those words, she must cherish the trust between each other.

Shen Jingyu knows everything.

He is not good at trying to figure out women's thoughts, but He Ning is an exception, he will consider everything for her.

Looking down at her gentle and sleeping face, his heart became very soft.

At this moment, it is an emotion that wants to possess her, not a physical possession.

It's the heart, which only wants to accommodate all of her, and only wants to be accommodated by her.

He bowed his head and kissed her forehead, like a fragile treasure, holding her in his arms.

When the morning sun was shining on the eyelids, He Ning dazedly touched his side: "Leaves?"

The tentacles were full of muscles in the chest, and He Ning suddenly sat up in shock.

"Ye Zi?" She was very surprised until she saw Shen Jingyu. Although she was relieved, she raised her heart again, "Where is Ye Zi? Where did she go?"

"Yi Ming took her back."

"Why, Ye Zi and I slept well..." He Ning was a little strange.

Shen Jingyu's voice was a little low: "Is it really good?"

He Ning's throat choked slightly when he asked.

She is okay, but Ye Zi is definitely not good.

"He Ning, I know you went to see He Peishan."

He Ning's eyes widened, and there were surprises and uncertainties in his beautiful eyes.

Although I trust him very much.

But when I was asked this sentence suddenly, the true thoughts in my heart would inevitably be seen in my eyes.

"I have no feelings between men and women for Shanshan. The reason I didn't tell you about her existence was that I didn't want you to worry about it." Shen Jingyu said in a voice. In fact, the reason why I brought her back so late is to treat her as soon as possible. Explain this matter.

She always had the heart to wake her up, so she left the words to explain when she woke up.

He Ning suddenly felt a heartwarming, and whispered: "Grandma has already told me about your childhood. So in fact, I'm fine, and I don't have any more thoughts..."

"She is sick, and I understand her not easy. This time, I won't care about her."

"I don't mean to distrust you at all..."

Shen Jingyu's tight lips were slightly relaxed: "When you meet her, they will say that you look a little bit alike."

"Yes." He Ning nodded and looked up at Shen Jingyu.

"But... that's not the reason why I chose you. You are you, she is her, you have nothing to do with her, and I have nothing to do with her."

He bites very hard every word, every word.

This is also what He Ning cares most about, and he will explain it to her.

He Ning pursed his lips and smiled: "I understand."

"In the future, maybe in the medical field, I will still support her. However, in other aspects, I will not have any more.

"Yeah," He Ning nodded gently.

He Ning believed all these things he said himself.

Seeing her smile again, Shen Jingyu's whole mood also improved.

Reaching out and pulling her into her arms: "From now on, you are not allowed to stay in other people's houses."

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