Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 418: She really is that child!

"Then aunt, sit down for a while, I'll go to the pharmacy to help you get it." Gu Yunchen went out.

He Birong waited until he left, got up, and took out the information from his drawer to search for it.

A few minutes later, she found information about He Ning.

Gu Yunchen here, He Ning's information is the most complete, because it is not a particularly serious illness, and it is not confidential, so it is not very secret.

He Birong took out the phone and snapped all the information, including the blood type blood test report and so on.

After Gu Yunchen came over with the medicine, she had already finished shooting all of them, and had put all the materials back in place.

Gu Yunchen took the medicine and gave it to her. He Birong pretended it and said with a smile, "Then I will go back."

"Don't stay for dinner?" Gu Yunchen was a little surprised that she came and went in a hurry.

"No, I also promised Shanshan and her mother to eat with them at noon." He Birong smiled.

Gu Yunchen nodded: "Okay, I'll send you out."

Gu Yunchen has always spared no effort to take care of this elder whom everyone respects.

After all, he and his sister have also been taken care of by He Birong a lot.


After He Birong returned to Jingyuan, she immediately entered her research room and took out He Ning's various materials and samples to conduct research one by one.

Because the vague answer is already in my mind, I have a greater certainty of checking the evidence.

When she saw the results, her heart shook.

He Ning... She really is that kid!

Twenty years ago, she shouldn't have existed in this world.

However, she still survived.

Everything about her should be Shanshan's.

But because of her existence, she took everything from Shanshan again!

In He Birong's eyes, a poisonous light flashed with intense hatred.

He Ning! Why do you have such good luck every time?

The expression on her face quickly dissipated.

It is also a good thing that He Ning is alive.

At least this shows that Shanshan is saved.

According to the previous research plan, Shanshan's condition must all get better, and the only way is to have a sister who is related by blood to be able to save her.

So this scheme was ruthlessly abandoned.

Now, Liu Yinhua is in another village, and Shanshan has found a way out again.

He Ning's spinal cord, her heart, her kidneys, everything about her can be used by Shanshan at that time.

Thinking of this, He Birong's eyes had a different light again.

She checked He Ning's medical records again. He Ning's current kidney disease is not completely cured, but it is not too long until the day of recovery.

He Birong wanted to do it before her wedding with Shen Jingyu.

However, this unwell condition will affect Shi Shanshan's physical condition.

Therefore, He Birong can only temporarily suppress this impulse and continue to wait.

He Birong walked into He Peishan's ward in a good mood.

He Peishan was extremely disappointed in not seeing Shen Jingyu who followed.

"Aunt, Brother Yu is really not coming?" He Peishan's small face was full of expectation and disappointment.

"He is very busy, but he told you to have a good rest."

"Really?" He Peishan raised hope again and looked at He Birong eagerly.

He Birong smiled and said, "Silly boy, of course it is true. What did Auntie lie to you?"

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