Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 422: Rits and the feeling of vomiting

"If there is no problem, I will put it away." He Yiming put the photo away smoothly.

Shen Jingyu was also very satisfied with all the photos, and they were collected carefully.

He stayed with He Ning in Paris for two days before leaving with all the teams.

I don't know if it's the reason for the inadequacy. He Ning always feels sick in his stomach during the past few days in Paris, sometimes retching and vomiting.

I have no appetite for steak, caviar, and foie gras. On the contrary, I think very much about the ordinary to the extreme hot and sour noodles on the corner of Puxi Street...

She didn't want Shen Jingyu to worry, she just concealed these small situations.

Finally, she can leave until the shooting is over.

Maybe after going home and eating the usual food, these uncomfortable feelings will disappear.

When they set off, Ye Shu knew that this time, Shen Jingyu didn't buy her and He Yiming's air tickets.

For temporary bookings, there are already no tickets.

In other words, she and He Yiming will stay at least one more day.

Ye Shu could only watch other people leave.

After He Ning got on the plane, he was still a little worried: "I don't know, will they open their hearts to each other this time?"

"If you can't catch such a good opportunity, He Yiming deserves to be single." Shen Jingyu smiled and shook his head.

He Ning couldn't help but smile.

"Actually, I am still worried about the He family..." He Ning said softly.

"Don't worry, once you identify the person you choose, he will be as firm as I am." Shen Jingyu's phoenix eyes revealed confidence.

The He family could not interfere with He Yiming at all.

Just like the Shen family couldn't interfere with him.

He Ning's heart settled when he thought of him.

If He Yiming is like him, there will be no more twists and turns in the relationship between him and Ye Shu...

As the wedding date approached, He Ning got busy too.

The first thing she needs to do is to go to the company and make general arrangements for her work during the next period of time.

Then, she was able to hold the wedding with confidence.

Ye Shu and He Yiming stayed in Paris for three more days before rushing back.

When they came back, the two held hands. It seemed that He Yiming was very effective this time.

When Ye Shu came to the office, He Ning pulled her aside and said softly, "How is it, you promised him?"

"I just promised him to try." Ye Shu was a little shy, rare.

"Then try it, it's not a bad thing after all, right?" He Ning was very happy for her.

Ye Shu asked with a smile: "Then how are your wedding preparations? What about wedding dresses, jewelry, are all the things in place?"

He Ning pursed his lips and smiled: "Of course they are all together, even if there are some small things to be bought, they are all very fast."

The two were talking, Gong Yunxi hurried over and said: "He Ning, He Manni is here, and I'm posting an invitation outside."

"What invitation to send?" He Ning asked.

"She said that she was going to marry Sanye Shen of Jingyuan Shen's family, and the wedding was about to be held, so she came to us and invited all the staff over."

Ye Shu couldn't help cursing: "It's really shameless! Is she the one who wants to get married, she is so arrogant?"

"Regardless of her, let her send it." He Ning said lightly.

Gong Yunxi couldn't believe it: "He Ning, is she really going to marry Sanye Shen?"

"At that time you will know." He Ning said.

She went out, Hermanni dressed very beautifully today, dressed in brand-name clothes, carrying the new bag she just bought, and sending invitations to the company.

"At that time, everyone is welcome to join in." He Manni thought she was about to marry into the Shen family.

At that time, there will be a lot of people in the Shen family, and there will be fewer relatives and friends, so you will definitely have to invite more people to cheer.

Therefore, even the people of He Ning Company will not let it go.

When she saw He Ning, she smiled more happily: "He Ning, when the time comes, you will also come early. By the way, I forgot that you have no invitations. Forget it, for such a tall and luxurious occasion, Not for you."

[The author has something to say: It will be on the shelves tomorrow morning, and the 100 chapters will be updated. It is a manuscript saved for about three months + two days of leave. This book has been free for almost four months, because the author also needs to eat, and also needs care and encouragement, so the fee will start tomorrow, 5 cents per chapter, and it’s just a cup of milk tea after reading it all, please little angel We raise your hands and click to subscribe, and you will be rewarded with more exciting stories. Love your author Jun. 】

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