Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 424: What kind of person is offending?

Someone immediately took out something better.

"Lulu, try this." Chen Fufen was full of smiles, "Mannie is about to marry the third master. At that time, at the wedding, I don't know how many wealthy and powerful children will appear. Those people are just like three. The identity of the master is almost the same. Taking advantage of this occasion, you must dress up better and seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

A smile flew on He Lu's face: "Of course, Mom, don't worry, I will do well."

Even if you can't marry someone like the Shen family, it's not difficult to find a similar family.

Relying on her beauty and the special referral by He Manni...

Even the shopping guide lady was very envious, and said compliment: "Miss He is so beautiful, you can definitely get what you want."

"Of course, we already have a sister in our family, whom the third master of Jingyuan's Shen family has taken a fancy to. If I want to remarry into this kind of family, it will be easy..." He Lu raised her neck, very confident.

"Then Miss He, take a look at this, you see that this one is as gorgeous and exquisite than the one just now, and it matches you better.

He Lu squinted and said, "Try it."

As soon as he thought of the accumulating tone in his heart that was bullied by He Ning, He Lu even wanted to shine at the wedding day after tomorrow.

Once she married better in the future, He Ning and TV stations were nothing she could see anymore.

Who knows what to think of, when she was trying, she saw He Ning and Ye Shu walking in.

"He Ning, what is she doing?" He Lu was immediately unhappy.

Chen Fufen narrowed her mouth: "That kind of woman still wants to fight with us, Lulu, ignore her."

"I just ignored her. Didn't you hear what sister Yichen said, she was in Jingyuan last time, and there was an old man next to her... It's really shameless." He Lu cursed.

The last time Xie Yichen only heard Shen Yaozong say that He Ning was with someone, he didn't even think it was San Ye, but thought it was an old man.

But before Chen Fufen could complain again, the store manager and all the shopping guides all walked towards He Ning and Ye Shu.

"Hey, what are you doing? We are still trying things!" He Lu shouted uncomfortably.

But those people eagerly walked to He Ning and Ye Shu's side, bowed and said, "Miss He, Miss Ye."

"What are you doing? You dogs look at people inferiorly, serve us halfway, and go to others. Do you know what kind of person you are offending?" He Lu said in a huff.

Immediately, a shopping guide lady said with a smile on her face: "The VIPs over there, and someone specifically explained that we should receive them properly. I'm sorry, you two."

Sure enough, after He Ning and Ye Shu walked in, the door was half closed and the other guests were invited out.

It seemed that it was specifically making room for He Ning and Ye Shu.

The store manager and manager also walked to them personally and introduced them to the items in the store in a calm and respectful manner.

"You two, I'm sorry, but also ask you two to leave." The shopping guide lady had to ask Chen Fufen and He Lu to leave.

Although they are big customers and claim to be the family of Shen's grandmother, they all claim to be after all.

Unlike the two who came in later, their status and status are actually laid out there.

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