Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 427: Could it be...pregnant?

He Ning and Ye Shu returned home with great success.

When passing by a hot pot restaurant, He Ning's appetite was lifted, and her stomach was empty.

"Ye Zi, shall we eat hot pot?" she suggested.

"Okay." Ye Shu agreed.

When eating, He Ning put a lot of vinegar and chili.

I don’t know why, I always feel very appetite lately. Only by eating a lot of hot and sour can I have some appetite.

Usually her tastes tend to be light, and she doesn’t know what’s going on recently...

Ye Shu also found out, and asked jokingly: "He Ning, why do you eat so much vinegar and chili? Could it be... you are pregnant?"

"No, don't talk nonsense." He Ning immediately shook his head.

"Really not? Saying that you have been with Sanye for a long time, and you haven't thought about having children?" Ye Shu asked curiously.

He Ning poked the pepper in the bowl: "I was not in good health before, and the doctor said that I can't get pregnant. After I got better, I can have a baby. So, I have used contraception, how can I get pregnant?

"Well, I still want to wait to be a godmother."

"Isn't the old godmother right?" He Ning irritably added a spoonful of old godmother to her, and the two laughed together.

Back home, lying in the bathtub, He Ning remembered Ye Shu's words.

She has indeed been a little abnormal recently. When she was in Paris, she sometimes retched, and it seemed that the period that was supposed to be coming did not come.

But... She touched her arm, her contraceptive measures were done well.

After the operation before, she also checked on the Internet. Generally, there is no problem with this contraceptive operation.

The wedding is coming soon, if you have children, of course it’s great...

But if not, she is not in a hurry. She has a lot of time with Shen Jingyu, right?

Thinking of this, a sweet smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

After taking a shower, lying on the bed and reading, the feeling of retching came again.

This time, He Ning was dizzy and uncomfortable.

I vomited everything I ate at night, and the whole person was hollowed out.

Isn't it... really pregnant, right?

When Shen Jingyu came back, He Ning had just drank half a cup of milk to nourish his stomach.

Shen Jingyu strode over, looking a little stern in the night light, touched her milk glass, and found it was cold, and his face sank.

"It's not that I told you that you can't drink cold during the menstrual holiday, huh?"

"It was still warm just now, and it was cold after a while." He Ning smiled, "Besides, don't be nervous, I haven't come to an official holiday yet."

"Not here yet?" Shen Jingyu turned the date in her mind, and logically, she should have been here long ago.

This time, it was too late.

"Is it too tired to prepare for the wedding recently?" Shen Jingyu stretched out her hand and stroked her well-behaved and sweet eyebrows.

It may be that she is really tired. There are many things that others can't do for her. She has to choose what she likes for everything, which consumes a lot of her physical strength.

He Ning immediately shook his head: "No, I am very happy, not tired at all. It's just that my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."

She didn't mention pregnancy.

She didn't confirm it originally, it was only Ye Shu's casual teasing that she had such a guess.

Since it wasn't a real thing, she still didn't tell him, lest he would be happy.

Besides... the contraceptive measures she did were really good.

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