Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 443: Can't even touch the door of the rich

He Manni didn't expect at all that her secretly dating men would be photographed clearly.

These things can be used as evidence to exclude her from this marriage contract.

If Shen Jingyu took out her divorce letter, she would simply admit her mistakes and choose to let go, these things would not be spread.

However, she was not willing to give up, thinking that she still had a chance, and she had to fight Shen Jingyu to let Shen Jingyu produce these evidences.

It can be said that after these evidences come out, she will never find a good husband in Jingyuan, Portuguese West or even the Dragon Empire.

No one is willing to accept such a promiscuous woman.

Hermanni's face was as gray as a dead person.

The consequences are obvious and predictable.

Let alone the Shen family, in the future, she might not even be able to touch the door of the rich.

She must defend herself and make people believe that this was not what she did.

She shouted: "I haven't done anything like this! I'm innocent! I haven't had any relationship with anyone!"

"These are all p's, yes, they're all p's!"

Xie Yihao couldn't listen to these words of her, he only felt ashamed.

Looking at He Ning on the stage, she was so beautiful, like a fairy among the stars in the sky, out of reach.

That was the beauty and tenderness that he could never touch again.

And he gave up those beauty just for the yelling and devoid woman in front of him.

He couldn't listen anymore, and feeling ashamed, he turned and walked out.

Chen Fufen helped her daughter shout: "My daughter is innocent, don't frame her! These are p's."

These are all dying struggles, but what can you do if you don't struggle?

In short, it is a dead end, and Shen Jingyu's disobedience is dead, and he is embarrassed in public. It is no different from death.

They had to make the last fight.

"Very good." Shen Jingyu's voice was even colder and ruthless.

Following his voice, Hermanni’s room opening records in each hotel appeared on the big screen, full of dangling, wall-like big screens, and couldn’t put it down at all!

The guests who originally despised her couldn't help shaking their heads.

They even disdain to criticize Hermanni's various behaviors.

Her way of doing this is even more playful than many of the elder brothers in the rich.

Moreover, the son-in-law is just playing, and he will not put the good labels of "affectionate" and "specific" on his face.

A woman like her who is inferior on the outside, who can't even tell lies, is the woman most hated by guests.

Contemptuous eyes passed from all directions.

If these gazes were swords, He Manni had already pierced her heart with a thousand arrows, bleeding from her seven orifices.

He Hongtao lost face and grabbed He Manni: "Okay, let's go!"

He didn't get anything, and he was so ugly that he couldn't even get mixed up.

"He Ning, you robbed my family property and also my husband..." He Manni continued to shout.

He Hongtao covered her mouth for fear that she would cause more ugly things.

"Speaking of marriage and the He family's business, I am here to clarify a few words for He Ning." When Shen Jingyu spoke, all the attention was focused on him.

He said aloud: "I and He Ning are in love with each other, and we really love each other. Originally, I thought of the He family and discussed the termination of the marriage contract with He Manni."

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