Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 452: To get rid of her child!

He shook off Shen Jingyu and said, "Okay, then I promise you. But if the explanation you give later can't convince me, I will seek you back thousands of times!"

"He Ning still doesn't know about her pregnancy. So, it won't hurt her heart." Shen Jingyu gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

He was standing in front of the window. The afternoon sun outside the window was good, but the coldness that was completely opposite to the sun appeared on his body.

Even Gu Yunchen could see the indelible haze on him.

"Qin Zheng, call the female doctor so that she is not allowed to reveal the slightest about He Ning's pregnancy. Gu Yunchen, I will bring He Ning over at night and ask you to check her. You take the opportunity to talk about arranging the operation."

Everything must be done without He Ning's knowledge.

After the operation, after recuperating for more than a month, her body will naturally recover.

Shen Jingyu made up his mind and didn't intend to delay any longer.

Gu Yunchen struck her neck, and it took a long time to answer: "Okay."


At the door, He Ning clenched her palms tightly.

After pregnancy, she was so surprised that she couldn't wait to find Shen Jingyu to tell him the good news.

She changed her clothes and came over. Just when she reached the door, with her hand on the doorknob, she heard what Shen Jingyu said to Gu Yunchen.

His words are so indifferent and calm, without the slightest touch of emotion.

It turned out that he also knew that he was pregnant.

He is not ignorant.

He Ning was overjoyed and wanted to go in and share this sudden surprise with him.

But then she heard Shen Jingyu's words.

She was suddenly hit in her heart, and her footsteps froze at the door of Shen Jingyu's room.

The dull and sharp pain from the stabbing of her heart spread all over her body and drained blood into her bones.

He said, to get rid of her child!

He said, to get rid of her child!

Those words, so unfamiliar, like the devil's curse, came out word by word from his mouth.

She wanted to rush in and ask him why he had to do this and why he had to take away the child she had finally gotten.

But reason stopped her.

She stepped back step by step, back...

No, she can't, she dare not!

She didn't dare to take this risk...Shen Jingyu wanted them to remove her child, so she rushed in, what would they do to her?

Her baby will turn into a piece of blood without emotion and leave her!

He Ning's nails were pinched into her palms, her teeth biting her lower lip fiercely, suppressing the surging waves in her heart.

She didn't know why he changed his mind and became so fast, only knew that a heavy boulder was pressed in his heart, and her tears were forced back.

He Ning turned around decisively and fled from his door.

There is only one thought in his mind, Shen Jingyu wants to hide her from her and remove her child!

If it hadn't been for her to find out that she was pregnant, if she hadn't happened to be at his door, she might never know this secret!

She would never even know that she was pregnant and had a child!

He Ning clenched his fists tightly, not daring to go to his room or going back to the room she had just stayed in.

She walked quickly and aimlessly towards the other end of the aisle.

Everyone knows her, but how much she hopes at the moment, happiness at noon is just a dream, always immersed in it and won't wake up.

Unconsciously, the palm of his hand was cold, and his eyes were blurred by tears.

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