Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 462: How cold she should be, how scared, how helpless

If she doesn't believe in Any Yiming that much, and spends more time with He Ning today, how can He Yiming take advantage of it?

"Liang Yan, find more people to accompany Ye Shu." He Yiming said.

He hurriedly continued to arrange rescue.

Chu Zhuohang strode towards him.

He did not come alone, and was followed by a professional rescue team. For He Ning, Chu Zhuohang did not hesitate to reveal his identity and arranged all the power he could use belonging to the Chu family to rescue him.

While passing by He Yiming, a cold smile appeared on his lips, which made He Yiming shudder.

As soon as Chu Zhuohang's figure left, He Yiming received the news that the bodyguard of the He family who participated in today's hijacking of He Ning can be found, all with broken legs and hands, I am afraid that they will be disabled for life.

Steward Luo was also beaten to death and thrown into the trash can.

Shen Jingyu did not do it.

Because Shen Jingyu's thoughts at the moment are all on rescue.

Then Chu Zhuohang can only do it.

And He Birong and others were able to escape the catastrophe simply because Lan Xi was kind to Chu Zhuohang at the beginning.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the hospital where He Peishan is located will also be razed to the ground.

He Yiming beat his temples and arranged for his subordinates to properly handle the funeral of those disabled bodyguards.

At this moment, no matter who is doing something, as long as it is contaminated with a word, he can only bear it.

Ding Qinen called: "Yi Ming, have you found He Ning? Where is Jing Yu?"

"Still looking. Auntie, don't worry."

"Where can I rest assured?" Ding Qinen knows his son too well, and also understands his feelings for He Ning.

If she can get through Shen Jingyu's phone at this moment, she can rest assured, but let alone Shen Jingyu, even Qin Zheng and Qiao Hai will not answer the phone.

"Yiming, tell me the truth, what exactly is Jingyu doing now?"

He Yiming can only lie to her: "It's just a rescue, it's really okay."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Thinking of He Ning, there was a slight tingling pain in his heart.

Where is that girl now? Is it well?

By the river, Shen Jingyu doesn't know how many times he has been in the water.

In such a current, as the night darkened, it became more dangerous.

The professional divers also constantly take turns to change shifts and rest. Only him, never stops.

"San Ye, it's really dangerous."

Persuasion is endless.

But Shen Jingyu turned a deaf ear.

At this moment, if He Ning was still in the water, how cold, scared, and helpless would she be?

He only needs to work harder to stay with her.

He couldn't stop himself, and he couldn't stop.

He wants to accompany her, find her in time, and let her return to his arms.

On his face, he couldn't tell whether it was river sweat or tears. His physical strength had been overdrawn to the limit, but he still continued to search with willpower.

Others look elsewhere.

Ding Langwei rushed over with someone: "Is Jingyu still looking for it?"

"Can't persuade." He Yiming shook his head.

Ding Langwei also changed his clothes and wanted to follow along.

He Yiming was surprised: "Second Uncle, what are you going to do?"

Even he himself did not go down, because knowing that all this was in vain.

People who go down in person are either subordinates or people who really love He Ning. Even if they know that there is no result, they must try hard.

When did Ding Langwei's concern for He Ning come to this point?

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