Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 465: I am good and bad, what is the difference

The captain of the rescue team didn't know how to respond for a while.

With his experience and reason, he knows best what the consequences of falling down are.

"Jingyu." Ding Qinen quickly stepped forward and took his hand, "You rest first..."

He earned it from his mother and looked at the motionless captain of the rescue team.

"Don't understand?" Shen Jingyu said coldly, "Go on! Until you find it!"

"Yes." The captain of the rescue team responded and set off quickly.

Shen Jingyu tore off the mess of gauze and infusion needles from his hands, and followed behind him.

"Jingyu!" Ding Qinen yelled distressedly, tears falling, "The doctor said, if you try hard, your body will not be able to bear it..."

Shen Jingyu paused and said in a low voice: "Mom, if He Ning is not there, what is the difference between me and me?"

Ding Qinen was taken aback, had to stop persuading, watched his back and disappeared in front of him.

Shen Ye immediately said, "Mom, I will follow Big Brother. Don't worry, I will be by his side."

After he finished speaking, he flew to Shen Jingyu's side and accompanied his eldest brother.

Ding Qinen was even more worried. The eldest son had committed a risk, not to mention, now he has a younger son...

"Husband, look at the two sons!" Ding Qinen worried.

"Commander Duan, you should arrange more people to follow Jingyu and Shen Ye. Especially Shen Ye, he is young and must be protected." Shen Fengshan asked Duan Hanyu to follow him quickly.

The old lady sighed aside.

Shen Fengshan hurriedly helped her: "Mom, don't worry, Jingyu is well-measured."

But he also understood in his heart that this sense of sense of proportion might have disappeared from Shen Jingyu's body.

Anything involving He Ning would cause him to lose his mind.


Steward Luo was seriously injured by someone sent by Chu Zhuohang.

What He Birong has done has been revealed.

It's just that everyone is still busy looking for He Ning on the Portuguese West side, and no one has come to trouble Birong He for the time being.

She is actually not afraid of getting troubled.

Over the years, she has established a very good image, willing to help others, good at helping, caring for the younger generation, and respecting the elders.

Anyone who wants to move her has to consider public influence.

She was afraid that He Ning's body could not be found.

As time passed, she knew that hope was getting dwindled.

After so long, even if He Ning's body is found, it might not be usable anymore.

Looking at He Peishan who was lying on the hospital bed, her heart was full of guilt.

She also wondered why Peishan didn't know the matter, so at this moment, she didn't tell her the truth of the matter.

He Peishan whispered: "Aunty, how is Brother Yu?"

"Still looking for someone. But don't worry, he will be fine. There are so many people by his side."

He Peishan's fingers grabbed the bed sheet under him severely.

She hates it!

I hate He Ning!

Obviously, as long as you bring her back, you will be saved.

But that woman, so ruthless, would rather jump into the river than give her a way to survive.

If she knew it, she should persuade her aunt to do it early, and don't let the stinky woman Hening have a chance to escape.

He Peishan said obediently: "What happened to the eldest brother and them?"

"It's all fine. Just leave it alone." He Birong comforted, "I'll warm up the milk for you, be good."

She got up and came out, seeing Lan Xi standing in front of her.

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