Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 477: The humblest word

He Yiming's heart was entangled with pain.

It turned out that she readily agreed to come out with herself, only to talk about the breakup.

"Ye Shu, I won't force you, but I won't indulge them anymore..."

"Last time, you said that too, didn't you?" Ye Shu curled his lips mockingly, "If you really don't indulge, He Ning won't have an accident, right?"

He Yiming had never seen such a calm and indifferent Ye Shu. He would rather her be like before, with her teeth and claws open, and she would pull her legs to each other if she didn't agree. He would rather she kick her a few more feet than she is now.

Regarding He Ning's affairs, He Yiming admitted that he could not be blamed...

"I think it's best for us to get together and get together. In addition, thank you for your help today, General He." Ye Shu picked up the bag, stood up, and walked towards the door.

He Yiming got up and hugged her from behind, with a low voice: "Ye Shu, I'm sorry about He Ning. I treat you like Jingyu to He Ning. You are the person I want to marry home and spend the rest of my life together."

If these words were heard in the past, Ye Shu would definitely agree without hesitation.

But from the moment He Ning was forced to jump into the river by the He family, she would no longer agree with her at all.

She couldn't face a family murderer.

She couldn't accept that the person who killed her best friend was his aunt and sister, and maybe even his mother.

Everything is impossible.

Ye Shu's tears slid down. She has never liked crying, but He Ning's affairs not only made her sad to lose her friend.

It also made her realize once again that the difference in class, even if they fall in love, is a chasm that is difficult to bridge.

"Ye Shu, please, don't leave me." For the first time, He Yiming begged someone in such a low voice.

The high-ranking General He has always said nothing to Sanye Shen in Jingyuan.

To say that they can restrain each other, only they are each other.

But at this moment, there is nothing that can do anything to redeem one thing, and can only use the most humble word-beg.

"General He, if you don't want to cause me to be forced to jump into the river like He Ning, please let go." Ye Shu said, enduring heartache.

The former He Yiming was arrogant and venomous, even if it was love, he was slow and fearless.

She was very touched that he could say such a thing, but she still had to refuse.

He Yiming was shocked and let go.

Ye Shu ran out of his arms like escaping.

When he got into the taxi, Ye Shu couldn't help crying in a low voice, and finally turned into howling.

For the lost friends, for the lost love.

He Yiming was still standing in his original position, motionless, like a wood-carved clay sculpture.


He Ning's morning sickness became a little serious.

I always feel terribly uncomfortable, and I will vomit out what I eat.

Sometimes when vomiting is totally absent, my heart is still retching and braving acid water.

In this regard, Doctor Fang had no choice but to ask his daughter to send some acidic foods such as sour plums and raisins.

"He Ning." Fang Lan stepped forward, "My dad asked me to give it to you."

She has a round face and round eyes, like a cute little princess, her tone is simply and cheerful, very different from the yin and yang Si Qing.

Compared with Si Qing, He Ning is always a little happier when she comes over to deliver things.

"Do you want to eat something?" Fang Lan took a sour plum and stuffed it into her mouth.

In He Ning's bitter mouth, some comfortable smell finally emerged.

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