Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 487: Man, don't cry

The world he envisioned was that he left first.

Before he leaves, he will pave all the roads for Hening so that she can live peacefully and happily in the future.

But she is gone...

She is gone, and everything is gone.

What's the point of everything he did?

He Ning left, still pregnant with his child, and it is even possible that when he left, he heard those words that he said he wanted to take away her child by himself.

He didn't want to hurt her a little bit, but let her leave with deep sadness and hatred.

Shen Jingyu sat up, her straight nose was covered with water marks.

Not wanting to be seen crying, he raised his hand, wiped his backhand, and said to Shen Ye: "Let Qiao Hai send the military report. Let Qin Zheng send the company information."

"Brother, you still need to rest. Let them do those things. Even if you don't do it well for a while, it's better than dragging your body down."

"I want to leave the company's affairs to you, so I'll be proficient."

Hearing what he said was unlucky, Shen Ye became even more anxious: "I don't want it. I want my eldest brother to accompany me, and wait for a few more years before I come to learn."

"Observe, take it." Shen Jingyu's voice was firm with no tolerance for his beak.

Shen Ye cried and called Qiao Hai and Qin Zheng.

Shen Jingyu approved the military affairs, and then gave Shen Ye a detailed account of the work.

Shen Ye cried and listened, not knowing why, but he had a bad premonition in his heart, making him afraid that after losing his sister-in-law, he would lose his eldest brother again.

"Man, don't cry!" Shen Jingyu patted him on the head.

Shen Ye gritted his teeth and endured tears.


"Auntie has broken seven ribs. Shen Jingyu, how can he be able to do this like this! How can he be like this." Gu Baoyan said while crying.

When she and Gu Yunchen received the news and rushed over, the matter was over.

However, Mrs. He suffered a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. He Birong had seven ribs broken, and He Peishan's condition was greatly affected to receive treatment. It is an indisputable fact.

"I'm going to find him!" Gu Baoyan cried and said.

Gu Yunchen stopped her: "What's the use of you to find him? Does finding him have any influence on things?"

"I..." Gu Baoyan was speechless.

What the eldest brother said is right, what can she do?

"If it hadn't been for Shen Jingyu's physical exhaustion during this period of time, and the exhaustion of his mind, his aunt would have been killed by that step. Forget it, after seven broken ribs, he can finally get it back, better than losing his life." Gu Yunchen said.

From his standpoint, there is no choice in this matter.

On one side is the best friend who has lost the beloved, and on the other side is the most respected elder who has done an unforgivable wrong.

He can't stand in line.

He Yiming walked out, and Gu Yunchen stepped forward: "Yiming, the situation of grandma He, aunt and Shanshan is stabilized. You can arrange for someone to protect them."

"Shen Jingyu won't come anymore," He Yiming said, "He is sober now and won't do any more for the time being."

Gu Yunchen sighed softly: "But how easy is it to really come back to life? I'll go see him."

When he arrived at Shen's house, Gu Yunchen knocked on the door and went in.

Shen Jingyu had just finished talking about work with Shen Ye, and seeing Gu Yunchen walk in, Shen Ye hurriedly stood up: "Brother Yunchen."

"Jingyu, are you better?" Gu Yunchen sat down.

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