Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 491: Without He Ning...then you will die

"I ask you, where's He Ning!" Shen Jingyu's facial expression even turned a little hideous.

Without hope, there is no disappointment.

And now, the person in front of him dares to lie to him!

Strong disappointment swept over him again, wrapping him in an inescapable cage.

"I...I..." The wealthy businessman was shocked, "San...San Ye..."

The Jiu Shu searched the car, but he did not see He Ning. He also understood in his heart that these two wealthy businessmen wanted to see Shen Jingyu in the name of He Ning, just to be the third master before others. Offer to the woman to win the favor of the third master!

It is no wonder that the third master will be angry.

Looking at the two people hitting the gun, Jiu Shu silently stepped back to one side.

"No He Ning!" Shen Jingyu's voice was low and wild, "Without He Ning...then you go to death!"

He grabbed his head and slammed into the car.

"San Ye..." The wealthy businessman made a trembling begging for mercy, "Forgive me..."

He has been in shopping malls for so many years, and he has never seen a man who dislikes beautiful and fresh women. In choosing women, he also prides himself on having a good vision.

He tried this trick repeatedly.

But this time, he missed his hand and made a big caterpillar.

"San Ye is forgiving, it's my bravery... I'll never dare to... next time..." The rich businessman knelt and begged for mercy.

Li Fushang quickly knelt on the ground and kept kowtow begging for mercy.

That woman was so scared that she was sitting on the ground. Where could there be any demeanor?

Shen Jingyu stood in the distance, her body was shrouded in great despair, and her whole body was full of sadness and sorrow.

The existence of the wealthy businessmen and others just reminded him again that He Ning was gone and she would never come back.

"I'm sorry, San Ye, I oversight." Jiu Shu bowed in front of him, "Please San Ye punish me."

Shen Jingyu didn't blame Jiu Shu, and recovered his calm, but said indifferently: "Let them both go bankrupt. Don't let me see them in the west of Portugal."

"Yes, San Ye." Jiu Shu immediately bowed in response.

"San Ye, don't...San Ye don't, don't..." The two wealthy businessmen knelt on the ground, pleading sadly.

Their family background is extraordinary and their business is doing well.

This time, I just wanted to take advantage of a small loophole, do what he wanted, and try to get to the third master as soon as possible.

I don’t know how to run into a nail like Sanye...

Shen Jingyu was unmoved, and walked upstairs with a dull expression.

Gu Yunchen cursed: "Deserve it!"

Then quickly follow Shen Jingyu.

Shen Jingyu lay directly on He Ning's bed, raised his fist, and slammed his forehead severely with wet marks on the corners of his eyes.

He should have known...knowing that all he thinks are extravagant hopes.

What do you hope to make up for He Ning.

Gu Yunchen stood aside, not knowing what to say.

Shen Jingyu's phone rang, and he picked it up.

The opposite is Professor Liang: "Jingyu, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that my advice to you would cause such a big trouble for you and He Ning."

"It's none of your business, Professor Liang." Shen Jingyu said lightly.

That was my own decision and had nothing to do with Professor Liang.

"I always gave you that kind of advice..." Professor Liang sighed. He has been deeply guilty all this time.

If he hadn't suggested that Shen Jingyu remove the child, would he not lose He Ning?

Professor Liang was busy researching in the army, and he did not have time to come back to see Shen Jingyu during this period.

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