Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 500: He Yiming is my biological son

But then, Chu Zhiwen's voice became a little more gloomy.

"After she got married, she gave birth to He Yiming not long after. I was also involved in my current career after I recovered from my injury."

"He Yiming has grown up and her life has become more stable."

"Suddenly one day, Gu Hanlin found me..."

"Gu Hanlin? Is Birong He's husband? Dr. Gu who has passed away?" Chu Zhuohang interjected.

"Yes, that's him. He and Birong He came together because they both like medicine. At that time, he was almost a dedicated doctor of the He family. He handled all aspects of the illness and injuries of the He family."

"He found me and said that He Yiming had a very serious illness. Lan Xi's body is not suitable for natural conception, and he needs to have another child to treat He Yiming."

"There is no way, they can only use the IVF method."

Chu Zhuohang was surprised: "They want to give birth to a child to treat He Yiming, why did they find you? Wouldn't they just give birth by themselves?"

"Yes, I answered Dr. Gu in the same way. Their son is ill and wants to have IVF again. What does it have to do with me?"

"It was at that time that Doctor Gu told me that He Yiming was my biological son."

"At that time, I had a deep relationship with Lan Xi, and I agreed to get married. Therefore, there have always been love affairs between men and women when the two love each other... When Lan Xi married He Boyuan, he was already pregnant with my child. It’s just that the month is too young, even she herself does not know why Yiming is He Boyuan’s child."

"It was He Yiming who fell ill, and Doctor Gu discovered the truth."

"Doctor Gu, hiding from He Boyuan and the unknowing Lan Xi, came to find me. He wanted my sperm to be combined with Lan Xi’s egg, conceived the child using an IVF method, and then put it in Lan Xi’s belly. Give birth to a child to save He Yiming."

"Others will think that the sperm used is He Boyuan. As long as Doctor Gu doesn't mention it, no one knows."

Chu Zhuohang was dumbfounded: "It turns out that not only He Peishan is your biological daughter, but He Yiming is also your biological son. But after so many years, why don't you go back to find them?"

"Look for them?" Chu Zhiwen laughed, and the other half of his face became savage with his smile.

He laughed louder and louder, and there seemed to be traces of moisture in the corners of his eyes.

The body trembled.

There are countless desolation and sorrows in this laughter.

When Chu Zhuohang heard it, his heart was also dimmed, and he deeply felt an endless sadness for him.

Doctor Fang lowered his head and said nothing.

"They have such a good family, a great future, a complete family. I am looking for them, should they follow a father like me?"

As he spoke, his emotions agitated, and his wounded face became even more terrifying.

He is a unique figure in the arms industry, but he is the general of the rebel army at that time, and he is the shame of the Dragon Empire.

He is the person who wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain, but he has an ugly face and a crippled body. He is not worthy to be Lan Xi's husband and father of his children.

"I'm sorry. Dad." Chu Zhuohang felt uncomfortable for his father, his heart swelled, as if swallowing a coptis.

It was because of what happened to his father, and because of the momentary impulse of his own questioning of his father.

Chu Zhiwen's emotions converged, and gradually returned to his former calm.

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