Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 502: Do your best to protect you

"Take a rest early, I'll come early tomorrow morning and take you out of the manor." Chu Zhuohang exhorted.

Seeing that her hair was a little scattered in front of his forehead, he stretched out his hand, trying to tidy it up for her...

He Ning was startled and took a step back. Chu Zhuohang raised his hand in the air, but did not touch her hair.

His palm was embarrassed, he retracted into a half fist, and coughed lightly on his lips.

"Then you rest earlier." After Chu Zhuohang finished speaking, he turned around, leaving a lonely back.

He Ning closed the door, leaned on it, and slid down to sit down, filled with confusion about the road ahead.

However, when the hand touched the lower abdomen, firm conviction arose.

Baby, mom will not let you suffer, I will do my best to protect you...

Outside the window, the night is like water, the stars are shining, and the sound of crickets is heard in the ears, making the surrounding area more quiet and peaceful.

He Ning calmed down at the thought of leaving tomorrow.

No matter how rough the future is, as long as the baby is still there, she will definitely work hard to live a good life.

Bang Bang Bang, there was a knock on the door, which shocked He Ning who was about to fall asleep.

She put on her clothes and asked suspiciously: "Who is it?"

"Si Qing." Si Qing's voice came from the door.

He Ning knew that Si Qing had never liked herself because of Chu Zhuohang's affairs.

She seldom came to find herself on her own initiative, and occasionally came to send something, which was very reluctant.

"Is there anything? If you are not in a hurry, please come back tomorrow." He Ning didn't want to look at her cold face.

"Very urgent." Si Qing said, always indifferent.

He Ning had to open the door.

Si Qing's delicately-makeup face was indifferent, like a piece of ice.

Of course, this is only in front of He Ning.

In front of Chu Ye and Chu Zhuohang, she was loyal and smiled.

"What is the urgent matter?"

Si Qing glanced at He Ning and said, "You may not believe it. He Peishan is Chu Ye's biological daughter."

"Si Qing, I know you don't like me, but you don't have to provoke discord in front of me." He Ning was a little angry, "I won't fight you for the same thing, because I never wanted to ask for these."

Who does Si Qing think of herself?

Si Qing was not angry either. He was still faint: "I know you won't believe it. I heard it with my own ears."

Just now she gave Chu Zhuohang noodles, Chu Zhuohang didn't eat at all, and didn't even look at it.

Later Chu Zhuohang went to Master Chu's room. Si Qing was afraid that he would have something to order at any time, so he followed.

It just so happened that he heard all what Chu Ye said in his ears.

As soon as her thoughts turned, she had an idea in her mind.

This matter happened to be something she could use.

She has notified the He family that He Ning is still alive.

I'm afraid the He family is already on the way.

As long as He Ning was out of this manor, the He family could take care of his mobile hands and take He Ning away.

Si Qing was not afraid that Chu Zhuohang blamed himself, and He Peishan was cured. Master Chu would be grateful to him anyway, for doing something he couldn't bear to do.

Now, her goal is to trick He Ning out of the manor and let her leave the manor alone and enter the He family's sphere of influence.

"Anything else? If not, I will rest." He Ning didn't believe her at all, and secretly guessed in her heart that she was trying to force herself to leave the Chu family and Chu Zhuohang with tricks.

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