Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 508: He Ning is really alive!

What did Chu Zhuohang say at the time?

He said that Shen Jingyu was too much to force He Ning to remove the child, and that he was not worthy to be a husband and father!

That is to say, Chu Zhuohang knew about He Ning's pregnancy.

How did Chu Zhuohang know?

Combined with He Birong's arrangement tonight that someone went to the Chu Family Manor secretly, the answer is already ready!

That is—He Ning is still alive!

She lives in the Chu Family Manor!

Otherwise it would be impossible for Chu Zhuohang to know about his pregnancy, otherwise He Birong would not be able to arrange someone to go to the Chu Family Manor tonight.

Shen Jingyu's heart has not flashed such hopeful emotions for a long time.

His car was almost flying, and he secretly cursed **** it!

I ignored such important information before!

The time Chu Zhuohang came to beat him, things were so abnormal that he was damnably ignored by him!

"Qin Zheng, bring more people to the Chu Family Manor right away! Use a helicopter to get there before He's house! Also, I will talk to Master Chu immediately!"

Shen Jingyu's throat was filled with an unspeakable emotion, which shocked her entire nerves tremendously.

He Ning is still alive! He Ning is still alive!

There is only such a thought in his mind now!

He left Portuguese West and went straight to the direction of the Chu Family Manor.

Although it was midnight, Master Chu answered the phone because Qin Zheng looked for it and said it was Shen Jingyu.

After the call was connected, she switched to Shen Jingyu's cell phone.

Shen Jingyu repeatedly calmed his emotions, and when he spoke, his voice was already calm and clear: "Master Chu, He Ning is on your side, right?"

Hearing Shen Jingyu's direct questioning, Chu Ye admitted frankly: "It was originally there. But the third master came late. I asked someone to check it just now, and He Ning has already left."

He Ning is really alive!

Shen Jingyu suppressed the ecstasy in her heart: "Where is she now? With whom?"

"Zhuo Hang sent her away, but because there are too many people in the He family, Zhuo Hang has also been separated from her." Chu Ye told the truth.

Since even the He family knew about this, Shen Jingyu would have to know sooner or later.

What's more, with Shen Jingyu's ability, it was enough when there was no clue, and he could still be deceived. Now that he has clues, he can bluntly ask each other, and Chu Zhiwen knows that he can't deceive him.

"Damn it!" Shen Jingyu hit the steering wheel with a punch.

What Chu Shiwen said, Thaksin.

The reason is the same as Chu Shiwen thought, Mingren did not speak secret words, because there was no need.

Shen Jingyu called Qin Zheng again: "Immediately let people look for them at all airports, intersections, ferry crossings, beaches in Jingyuan and West Portugal! He Ning is still alive! She must be protected! No matter what the price!"

He also gave the same order to Qiao Hai.

When Qiao Hai and Qin Zheng received the news that He Ning was still alive, their spirits were refreshed.

This shows that their third master will also come alive!

For a while, Shen Jingyu felt an unreal dream, and He Ning Qiao smiled before his eyes...

She had been in the Chu Family Manor for such a long time, she was so stupid that she hadn't even found out such a small thing!

During this period of time, she was in panic, not knowing how much she had suffered and how much she had suffered.

But he was actually in despair, and he didn't expect the Chu family to look for her in the past.

What a **** unforgivable!

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