Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 513: Send additional manpower to protect He Ning

Shen Jingyu constricted her eyes and covered the faint pain in her eyes: "Yes. She heard it. She must be in pain during this time..."

Gu Yunchen patted him on the shoulder: "It is not easy for her to erase this incident in her memory."

Shen Jingyu closed his eyes.

Gu Yunchen's footsteps gradually disappeared.

Shen Jingyu walked to the bed, He Ning's pale little face, her eyebrows were gently twisted, it seemed that even in her sleep, she was uneasy.

She clenched her small fist, seeming to be ready to fight something at any time.

Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand and put the little bear on the bedside that belonged to her into her embrace, and only then did He Ning's fist relax.

He stretched out his finger and placed it on her forehead, and pressed his dry and broad palm against her soft skin.

The fingers spread out, tracing her gentle eyebrows, like a fragile treasure.

She came back, she was still alive.

But something shattered, making her suffer greater pain than death.

Shen Jingyu covered her with a quilt before she stepped out.

Qin Zheng came forward: "San Ye, the one named Gu Yun has been waiting at the door, saying that he wants to see the young grandma."

"Let him wait." Shen Jingyu said lazily, "Go and check, what kind of operation the He family is going to do on He Peishan. Why use He Ning's body."

"Also, find a postpartum therapist and a nutritionist."

He Ning had a miscarriage and needed a good rest. Shen Jingyu didn't want to leave her body with any sequelae.

It is even more impossible for the He family to use He Ning to perform surgery on He Peishan!

Before dawn, Qin Zheng came back, and the report: "He Birong and He Peishan have both denied that they want to take the young woman to operate on He Peishan. But I asked those subordinates who went to catch the young woman, and they all said He Birong had confessed. , Be sure to bring back the living young grandma."

"No matter how bad it is, I want her corpse, and it must be as soon as possible."

Shen Jingyu's face sank: "In other words, they want to make He Ning's body real. Who else in the He family knows about this?"

"According to the current situation, He Yiming and Lan Xi are definitely not aware of it. But Mrs. He and He Boyuan are hard to say, and we can't see them inquiring about the situation."

"Okay, closely monitor the movement of everyone in the He family. Add more people to protect He Ning." Shen Jingyu pinched his eyebrows.

Qin Zheng went out.

Shen Jingyu stood by He Ning's side, holding her hand, and didn't want to leave for a moment.

For fear that in the blink of an eye, she would leave herself.

When dawn came, He Ning gradually woke up from his deep sleep, blinked slightly, and became sober and conscious.

Thinking of everything last night, she suddenly sat up and saw Shen Jingyu in front of her. There was horror in her eyes, and her small face turned pale.

"He Ning..." Shen Jingyu wanted to reach out to touch her and calm her emotions.

"Don't come here!" He Ning grasped the quilt tightly, her voice sharp.

"Okay, I can't come. Yunchen is outside, I'll let her help you see. Your body is very weak..." Shen Jingyu was stabbed by the fear and suspicion in her eyes. Step back.

He Ning didn't want to see Gu Yunchen at all, but at this moment-she looked around the room and found that she was in Shen Jingyu's villa, she was in her own room.

She seemed to have no other choice but to accept Shen Jingyu's arrangement.

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