Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 520: He can't wash it off

"Yeah." He Ning answered.

Aunt Chen helped her carry the suitcase downstairs.

He Ning did not see Shen Jingyu.

Jiu Shu and Qin Zheng came forward together: "Young grandma."

"From now on, call my name." He Ning said with a smile.

"Okay, young lady." Jiu Shu and Qin Zheng responded together.

Uncle Jiu said, "My grandmother, I will accompany you. The house has been cleaned up, and a reliable person has been hired for daily cleaning and eating."

While taking the suitcase from Aunt Chen, he accompanied He Ning out.

Qin Zheng walked upstairs quickly and went to Shen Jingyu's study.

Shen Jingyu buried his head in the file.

"San Ye, grandma has left. Don't you really want to give her away?"

Shen Jingyu didn't lift his head either: "No need."

What's the use of giving it away?

There is no benefit other than to increase the sadness.

Maybe it will make Hening even more sad.

Qin Zheng had no choice but to stop talking, and went out to keep up with He Ning's pace.

When the sound of the car started outside, and then the car went away, the sound disappeared, Shen Jingyu put down the file and inserted his hands into the thick short hair.

He Ning, he really wants to lose her.

It was earlier than expected, and more decisive than expected.

He Ning walked for a long time, his head was buried in his arms.

There was a bleak silence in the study.


He Ning returned to the small villa where he lived with He Manni before.

The servants here have been replaced by Jiu Shu's arrangements.

Came back with He Ning's car, Gu Yun's car and Chu Zhuohang's car.

They have been guarding outside Shen Jingyu's villa just to wait for He Ning.

After Jiu Shu and Qin Zheng entered the door, they had to make arrangements. Chu Zhuohang had already started to rush people: "You two will leave first. You are not needed here."

They had to leave.

He Ning looked at Chu Zhuohang and Gu Yun. These days, she had only talked to them on the phone and knew that Chu Zhuohang and Gu Yun were all right.

Now that she saw them well, she felt relieved.

"I originally thought that if Shen Jingyu didn't let you leave in two days, I would go in and grab someone." Chu Zhuohang said, "It's rare, he actually figured it out."

Gu Yun nodded slightly: "I originally thought he would send you to He's house. But I didn't expect that he didn't do this."

Chu Zhuohang also said: "He Ning, I have asked someone to check it these days. Shen Jingyu does not know about the operation of your body. He and the He family are not the same."

Shen Jingyu did not unite with the He family, as many people have already said to He Ning.

Gu Yunchen, Aunt Chen, and there are them.

He Ning can not worry about He Peishan's question, but she said: "So are you here to help Shen Jingyu say something nice?"

"Of course not!" Chu Zhuohang and Gu Yun said in unison.

Chu Zhuo smiled in his eyes: "I'm just telling the truth. I won't wrong him for what he did, and I won't slander what he hasn't done."

"At that time, he was going to take my child away, he said it himself. When he came back this time, he also confessed it himself." He Ning said, "So no matter what, this matter, he can't wash it away.

Gu Yun asked worriedly: "You said that your child had a miscarriage. How is your health now? Does it need to be recuperated?"

"No, the child is still there. I lied to him. I am worried that he knows that my child is still there and will continue to let the doctor act."

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