Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 524: Anyone who wants to rush into the family, don’t talk about killing them

"I just came to see her and see with my own eyes how good she is!"

Shen Jingyu didn't believe him at all, and said coldly: "I can't break my mouth, so are you going to talk to He Ning personally? Then I tell you, even if He Ning agrees, I will never agree!"

"What do you mean?" He Yiming still didn't know that Lan Xi was looking for Shen Jingyu.

"He Peishan wants spinal cord. I can help her find it. I owe her. But if you want He Ning, it will definitely not work!"

He Yiming was startled, and then came back to his senses: "I'm looking for He Ning, not for this."

"I don't care if you are or not, I can't see her."

Immediately, Shen Jingyu looked at the guards around him: "Anyone who wants to forcefully break through, kill him!"

He Yiming gritted his teeth and finally backed away.

After getting into the car, Shen Jingyu pinched his eyebrows: "Qin Zheng, buy a new villa. I bought it at the nearest place to He Ning's villa."

Qin Zheng immediately looked through the information: "The young lady's villa is not a single house, but a townhouse. We can buy the one next to her that is the nearest."

"Go and do it." Shen Jingyu answered.

He was uneasy if he didn't guard her.

"But San Ye, the young lady didn't move the food you asked us to send, and gave it all to the servants to take care of them by themselves." Qin Zheng said.

Shen Jingyu clenched a fist and punched his head a few times: "I will handle it."

"According to your instructions, I also received another piece of news. Chu Zhiwen turned out to be He Peishan and He Yiming's biological father. He saved He Ning before and also intentionally sent He Ning to He Peishan."

Qin Zheng told Shen Jingyu the inside story.

After hearing this, Shen Jingyu said softly: "It turns out that Master Chu is He Wenyuan of the year. When I was on the mission, I heard that he was the only one who lived."

"But then he was spurned by the people all over the country and disappeared without a trace."

"But he will hide He Ning for half a month. It seems that he is not a big threat to He Ning."

Qin Zheng whispered, "Maybe it's because Chu Zhuohang was there to help."

Shen Jingyu leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to rest.

In addition to protecting He Ning's safety, what he wants most now is to see her.

But she was so emotional that she would not even answer the phone...

Shen Jingyu did not dare to act hastily.


He Ning received a call, which turned out to be from within the Shen Group.

"Miss He, we are about to hold a general meeting of shareholders. You are a shareholder who holds shares. I hope you can come to Jingyuan to attend on time." The other party said politely.

"Can you not come?" He Ning asked.

"Sorry, Miss He, unless your shares have already been transferred, I need to come. Because there will be voting on some projects at that time. You hold one percent of the shares, and your vote is very important."

"Okay, I will come."

He Ning holds shares, which were given by Shen Jingyu.

In fact, she had long wanted to return these things to Shen Jingyu.

Especially in the current situation, she and Shen Jingyu are almost strangers, and they should return sooner or later.

Unable to think of any other way, she could only call to communicate with Gu Yunchen.

"You actually hold so many shares?" Gu Yunchen was shocked, "Then you go. After the shareholders' meeting, you ask lawyer Nie to see if you can return it."

"Okay, thank you, Doctor Gu."

Gu Yunchen asked, "Do you really plan to return it to Shen Jingyu?"

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