Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 526: Struggling to suppress morning sickness

Shen Jingyu was angry, but couldn't bear to vent to her: "We will have a meeting first, then we will talk later."

The Shen's meeting was staffed by a large number of people.

Because it is an annual conference, everyone has a lot of questions to ask.

Shen Jingyu sat in the main seat, and He Ning was not far away from him.

From sitting down, his eyes never left He Ning's face.

She constricted her eyes and looked down at the report in front of her with her nose and nose.

Some shareholders are making a report, and everyone is listening carefully...

It's just the end of summer, and the secretariat has sent ice coffee.

He Ning took a look, pushed aside, and continued to listen to the report.

Shen Jingyu took a look and wrote a few words on the document.

The secretary knows and goes out immediately.

After a while, the drink came back in, it was hot milk.

When the hot milk was placed by He Ning, she was slightly startled and held it in her hand.

Feeling a line of sight following her, she turned her face away, not looking at his direction.

At this moment, she tried her best to suppress morning sickness, and her heart was a little overwhelming, but she was afraid of being seen through by Shen Jingyu, she endured it.

After finally waiting for a break, she immediately went to the bathroom, vomiting for a while, dizzy.

When I came out, I was in a bad spirit, but there was still a long time to listen to the report.

"Young grandma, San Ye invites you to go to his office to rest." Qin Zheng greeted him.

"But the meeting over there..."

"Now that the meeting has started, no one will be let in halfway. So you can't get in now."

He Ning had no choice but to nod: "Okay."

It's all here. The purpose of her coming today is not to attend the meeting itself, but to return everything in her hands to Shen Jingyu.

No matter what, we have to wait for him to come out to discuss this matter.

She entered Shen Jingyu's office, and Qin Zheng led her to a position on the wall. There was a door on it, which was very hidden. It would be difficult for outsiders to know if it weren't for someone to say.

He said: "San Ye said, you know the password. Inside, is the place where San Ye has a nap. You can also rest in it."

He Ning thought for a while, pressed Shen Jingyu's birthday, and the door opened.

She walked in. The inside was not too big, only a bed and a simple desk.

The wedding photos of her and Shen Jingyu were placed on the desk.

She smiled sweetly above, and Shen Jingyu watched her affectionately. If she wasn't sincere, it would be her acting skills that could show that kind of look.

And beside the wedding dress, there are sleeping pills and a pack of cigarettes.

The cigarette hadn't been opened, it was still brand new, but the sleeping pill... He Ning took it with his hand, and there was only half a bottle left.

They all said that during her absence, Shen Jingyu had trouble sleeping and eating, couldn't eat and sleep...

Since he loves her, why should he choose that decision that goes against her will?

Putting down the sleeping pills, Hening stopped thinking about it, lay down and closed her eyes.

I don't know if it was because she didn't sleep well last night. After lying down at the moment, she fell asleep.

Shen Jingyu's meeting was only halfway through, and then left, letting Qin Zheng participate in instead of him.

Although somewhat unreasonable, he has already driven halfway, and other shareholders know that he is busy, so they can’t say anything.

He Ning was sleeping soundly when he pushed the door in, and his rare face was calm rather than sad.

Shen Jingyu hadn't seen her show such a face for quite a while.

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