Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 534: What does that little brother look like

He Ning couldn't help glaring at him, feeling that his palm was supported on his waist, making it even more uncomfortable.

Shen Jingyu hugged her unmoved, and glanced at her, as if telling her not to move.

He didn't want...At the critical moment when the He family was forcing He Ning, the people of the Shen family also mixed up and persuaded He Ning to agree to help.

He Ning had no choice but to stop moving, and Shen Jingyu withdrew his gaze.

Ding Qinen and Ding Langwei smiled clearly, only when making noisy is the interest of their young people.

Ding Qinen smiled and said, "He Ning, my second uncle and I have something to tell you. Can you spare some time?"

"Okay. Let's go upstairs and talk." He Ning immediately nodded and took another look at Ding Langwei. Last time he took away his necklace, he hadn't given a word yet.

Ask everything you say this time.

Shen Jingyu also stepped upstairs.

Ding Qinen smiled and said, "Jingyu, this is a conversation between us and He Ning, so don't go."

Excluded by the mother? An accident flashed in Shen Jingyu's eyes.

The door closed in front of Shen Jingyu.

Ding Qinen took the lead: "He Ning, where did your previous necklace, the one with the ring on it, come from?"

Seeing them straight to the subject, He Ning couldn't help but ask: "May I ask, why are you interested in necklaces?"

"I don't hide it from you. That necklace belongs to my best friend Feng Ling. But in an accident that year, she was far away from Jingyuan, and she hasn't been there yet, so I really want to know, why do you have that necklace?" Ding Qinen asked straightforwardly.

She looked at He Ning: "Actually, there are two necklaces. She left one to me, and she took the other. For so many years, I really wanted to find her..."

He Ning listened to her sincerely, and she also knew from Qin Zheng that Ding Qinen had indeed a very good relationship with Feng Ling.

She opened her mouth and said, "Then I won't hide it from you. This necklace was given by a little brother..."

He Ning told the story of her childhood.

"Then do you still have his whereabouts?" Ding Langwei asked.

"No, I haven't contacted him since then." He Ning shook his head, "I saw Ding that day... the second uncle knew the necklace, and originally wanted to ask him about the whereabouts of that little brother."

Originally, her name was Ding Langwei and wanted to be the second uncle, but just now Shen Jingyu had pointed out that the two people had not yet divorced, so she had to temporarily change back to her original name.

"Then do you remember what that little brother looks like?" Ding Langwei couldn't help but asked.

He Ning tried his best to recall: "At that time, I was young, so I don’t remember very much. I remember him. He was very good-looking. Although he was young, he spoke very calmly. Also, there was a small mole on his right cheek. ..."

When talking about this, Henning paused and thought of the small mole on Shen Jingyu's right cheek. Could it be such a coincidence?

She shook her head immediately. It's impossible. How could the little brother at that time be him?

"Anything else?" Ding Langwei was agitated, put his hands on He Ning's shoulders and pinched her unconsciously.

Over the years, he wanted to find Feng Ling too much.

Finally found an opportunity to meet He Ning, but she could not provide any effective information.

He Ning suffers from pain: "Second Uncle, you let me go first..."

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Shen Jingyu broke in, grabbed Ding Langwei and threw it aside, bringing He Ning behind him.

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