Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 536: Fall in time

"But the memory of giving away the necklace, I have always remembered those details..." Shen Jingyu shook his head. He was only eight years old and had experienced many things and tortures.

That kind of desperate cold and pain is still entangled in blood and blood, which is shocking.

It is not so much that he sent the little girl to the hospital at that time, it is the little girl who gave him the courage and strength to keep him from being overwhelmed by despair.

He gave her all the only lollipops and necklaces, left a kiss on her forehead, and watched her walk into the hospital...

When he woke up later, he had already returned to Shen's house.

When he returned to Shen's house, apart from his parents, He Peishan was beside him, wearing the necklace he gave away.

Therefore, he kept making mistakes and regarded He Peishan as the little girl that night.

He Peishan never mentioned the details of that night, and every time she talked about it, she just said that the necklace was given to her by Shen Jingyu.

Shen Jingyu only thought that she was young, and she couldn't remember many things. Besides, it was raining all the time and it was normal not to remember...

But now it seems that the one who was with him at the time was clearly He Ning!

"So, I gave He Ning's necklace." Shen Jingyu was very sure.

He Ning looked at him in a daze. It turned out that he was the little brother who had saved her back then...

Ding Qinen did not expect that this would be the case.

She was very strange: "But, Jingyu, you have already given Shanshan your necklace. How could it be possible that both necklaces are on you? One Feng Ling took away, and I gave the other to your dad, you Dad transferred it to you."

Shen Jingyu's memories before the age of eight when he was a child are confused and vague, and his voice is low, "I don't remember what happened, but I must have given He Ning's necklace. No one remembers so many details except her."

Ding Langwei said, "Could it be that Jingyu was lost and met Feng Ling outside, and Feng Ling gave Jingyu the necklace?"

"It should be." Shen Jingyu had a vague headache thinking about what happened when she was a child.

Seeing He Ning's memories before, they were all full of despair, which made him feel uncomfortable and dull pain in his head every time he thought about it.

Ding Langwei was very disappointed when he saw Feng Ling's whereabouts had been lost again.

Is it true that she completely lost her?

Fearing that Shen Jingyu would think too much about her childhood, Ding Langwei stopped: "Jingyu, don't think about it so much. Since it proves that Shanshan is not the little girl you were thinking of at the beginning, you don't need to pay attention to the things she did. Up."

"Yeah, the news, and the incidents of jumping off the building..." Ding Qinen shook his head, "Where are the ladies of everyone. Lan Xi is proud of all his life, how did he give birth to such a daughter?"

Instead, she looked at He Ning and said, "He Ning, you can have a good chat with Jingyu."

"By the way, don't mention that necklace to more people. People in the presidential palace are also looking for Feng Ling... I'm afraid it will cause trouble to you." Ding Qin'en finished his instructions before talking to others. Ding Langwei went out together.

Only then did He Ning regained consciousness, and looked at Shen Jingyu incredulously. Is it him that she has always treasured in the deepest part of her memory?

It seems to be, and it doesn't seem to be...

After all, she was too young at that time, and time has passed for so many years, many things have fallen in time, and memories have become unreal.

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