Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 538: Let her jump directly

"At that time, he often had headaches and many things, so he didn't dare to ask him."

Ding Qin'en felt distressed when he thought of the hardships his son had suffered when he was a child.

Shen Fengshan stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders: "Forget it, don't ask him. If something is wrong, we parents can't afford it."

"Then I will call him and tell him about the necklace."


He Ning received a call from Mrs. Shen and personally asked her to go back to the old house of Shen's house for dinner.

Faced with the deep friendship of Mrs. Shen, He Ning could not refuse any more.

Even if she were to get a divorce, she didn't want to be sorry for the old man who had always treated herself well.

Shen Jingyu heard that she agreed, and immediately asked Qin Zheng to prepare his car and head straight to the old house of the Shen family.

As soon as she walked in, Mrs. Shen took He Ning's hand affectionately: "Come in, grandma was supposed to come to see you. It was the child Jingyu who said you are still raising your body. Now it's finally giving you. Hope is here."

"Grandma." He Ning felt a little guilty in the face of Mrs. Shen's kindness.

"Also, I heard that Jingyu gave you the necklace back then?" The old lady Shen pulled her down and slapped her thigh. "I said, "Where is the girl from He's family who is sick all day long." She is dying and dying, so much positive energy hasn't influenced her at all."

He Ning does not judge He Peishan's affairs.

Shen Jingyu sat down aside, keeping his eyes on He Ning.

Several times before, he wanted to take her into his arms, but was rejected by her intentionally or unintentionally.

My heart is full of loss and gloom...

"Old lady, Miss He really climbed to the top of the Empire State Building. It attracted countless people's onlookers, and the traffic in that area is now blocked..." Someone came in to report, "The people of the He family said that they were all three. Master instigated her to jump as she likes to dance. Now something has happened... Please San Ye must come forward to solve it!"

"Why do you look like that?" Mrs. Shen said unhappily, "It's up to Jingyu, right?"

"Even the Presidential Palace was alarmed, and the President's wife rushed over..." the reporting subordinate said.

Shen Jingyu stood up and said, "Let's go. It just so happens that there are some things that should be clarified."

"He Ning, come with me."

He Ning stood up, glanced at him, and nodded.

Mrs. Shen said, "I will go with you."

When the car arrived at the Empire State Building, it was already under martial law.

The crowd onlookers also scattered.

However, there are still some people who are not too big to watch the excitement, are waiting below.

He Peishan sat on the top of the building with thin clothes and was totteringly blown by the wind.

He Boyuan and Lan Xi were waiting below, and Lan Xi was already crying with red eyes.

She really did not expect that her daughter would make such a decision...

From that day when people sent He Birong to the suburbs to recuperate, Lan Xi decided to slowly ask Shen Jingyu to agree to donate his spinal cord.

However, even though He Birong was sent away and there was no one available, she called the media and issued such a report, putting pressure on Shen Jingyu in public opinion.

Lan Xi was very upset and called He Birong to say a few words, which happened to be heard by He Peishan.

He Peishan saw that his mother was not directly on his side, and said angrily that he was going to jump off the building...

As a result, the words reached Shen Jingyu's ears, and Shen Jingyu asked her to jump directly.

Where did He Peishan, who had always been spoiled, ever felt this kind of anger?

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