Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 551: Scared and pale

But because she couldn't really want him, Shen Jingyu could only restrain herself with willpower.

Make up your mind every time and don't come back the next night.

But where there is no her, he can't sleep at all, and his heart is also torn and empty, and he can't help but want to come.

Her little hands were a little restless, and Shen Jingyu was tortured to be challenged both physically and mentally.

He moved again.

As if afraid of him leaving, He Ning whispered: "Little brother...Yu..."

With this sound, the tip of his heart became extremely soft.

She has him in her heart, whether it was a child or now.

He was always in her heart, and this kind of cognition appeared in her mind, letting him know that no matter what he did for her, he would be willing.

As long as he can do well for her, he can bear everything.

It wasn't until the sky gradually turned white that Shen Jingyu got up.

She slept well, and her little face was flushed especially alluring.

Shen Jingyu didn't want to leave, but had to leave. After dropping a kiss on her forehead, he put the little bear into her embrace again, and walked away from the window.

When He Ning got up, it was sunny outside.

She went downstairs and Sister Li brought her breakfast over: "Miss He slept well last night?"

"Very good." He Ning nodded slightly. She dreamed that she was a child, and Shen Jingyu walked forward with her back on her back in the rainy night.

In a small world, it seems that there are only two of them.

She was originally afraid of cold, but on his back, everything became very warm and practical.

When she woke up, she found that she was sleeping firmly in her arms with the bear cub.

The kiss he had left on his forehead seemed to be so gentle, which made her feel nostalgic.

Thinking of Shen Jingyu, she held the spoon's hand tightly, and felt a pain in her heart.

It turns out that if you like someone, his brand will be so deep that you can't get rid of him from the heart.

"It was thundering and raining all night last night, and I was worried that you did not sleep well." Sister Li said with a smile.

"Is there?" He Ning was a little surprised.

She is usually the most afraid of thunder. Perhaps because of the day when her mother died of illness, thunder was always ringing in the sky. She has never liked thunder, because it means loss and pain to her.

As long as there is a thunder, she will not sleep well and wake up midway.

Except when I was with Shen Jingyu.

But last night... probably because he was with him in his dream, so even thunder was not so scary?

He Ning lowered her head and took a bite. The bowl turned out to be sweet-scented osmanthus sour plum soup, which made her surprised.

Sister Li brought a small dish of dried plums and said with a smile: "Miss He, I will suppress the retching in your stomach. This is something San Ye specially asked me to prepare."

He Ning paled with fright, and fell into the bowl with a ding-dong, even without pinching the spoon.

Sister Li hurriedly said, "Miss He doesn't like to eat, so I'll take it away."

He Ning was uncertain in her heart: "Don't take it away. Why did San Ye give me these? Aren't these for pregnant women?"

"San Ye said that Miss He just had a miscarriage, and she would also have retching and nausea. So let us prepare some of these to give you an appetizer." Sister Li said, "Don't say that San Ye was very thoughtful, I just told you He mentioned that you have symptoms of retching, and he took it to heart."

He Ning breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that Shen Jingyu knew that the child in her stomach was still there.

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