Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 570: The greatest luxury and blessing

He Ning had guessed that it was Shen Jingyu in his heart: "It should be him. But if you don't say that, he and the He family are the family of the pillars of the Dragon Empire after all, and it would be bad if they cause a disagreement."

"Okay, I won't say." Ye Shu covered his mouth, "I'll finish eating first, and I will warm your bed."

He Ning lowered his head to eat, thinking of He Birong, without any sympathy in his heart.

Gu Yunchen said, ask her to open up to He Birong.

But she also said that this has to be based on He Birong's own security.

If a person wants to die, how can other people stop her?

Ye Shu ran upstairs after eating. Today is the fifth day she has lived here in He Ning.

This made Shen Jingyu very irritable for five days, and even the food sent by Sister Li was lacking in interest.

Without He Ning, what's the use of food?

Can't say to drive her away.

Ye Shu hummed a song, and the phone rang, she quickly picked it up: "San Ye? Are you looking for He Ning?"

"No, I'm looking for you. Make sure not to let He Ning hear it."

Ye Shu was very dissatisfied with him and snorted: "Then tell me, what's the conspiracy?"

Shen Jingyu gave a light cough, what he was about to say was really a conspiracy.

"He Yiming's troops want to train, don't you go to interview?"

"Yes. I'm deciding on the candidate."

"Chu Zhuohang has resigned. Gong Yunxi is now in charge of other affairs. Others have no experience. He Ning is suffering from illness. How else do you determine the candidate?" Shen Jingyu asked rhetorically.

Ye Shu bit his lip: "This is our own business."

"Go by yourself. Otherwise, He Ning will choose to take on this responsibility."

"Yes, her stomach..." Ye Shu reacted, and He Ning was pregnant, and he was definitely not allowed to go.

"What's her belly?" Shen Jingyu asked sensitively.

"I mean she didn't feel very comfortable in her stomach after the abortion. Forget it, let me go." Ye Shu agreed.

Although I want to get along with He Yiming.

But there are so many people in the army that she is not afraid of him coming in, but it is important to protect Hening.

"Very good." Shen Jingyu curled his lips with satisfaction, this Ye Shu was pretty sensible.

Now he feels that He Ning has such a good friend, which is not bad.

After Ye Shu answered the phone, he set off to pack his things and ran downstairs: "I'm going out for a few days for an important TV interview. It's the military one. I won't accompany you. Bye."

"Hey, Ye Zi..." He Ning hadn't finished speaking, she was already running out of sight.

She had discussed with Ye Shu who would be responsible for this interview.

He has never determined a good candidate, because He Yiming, and He Ning did not want to force Ye Shu.

Now that she takes the initiative to go, will she still be thinking of He Yiming in her heart?

Sister Li brought a bowl of soup to He Ning: "Miss Ye seems to have feelings for General He too."

She has been here for a long time, and she also knows something about them.

"It's fine if there are. In fact, not all of the people in the He family are unbearable." He Ning thought of He Yiming and Lan Xi, both of them were pretty good people.

In fact, what separates He Yiming and Ye Shu is not their own heart knot, but He Birong and He Peishan.

He Ning hopes that she can seize the opportunity and get happiness.

After Ye Shu left in the evening, Shen Jingyu finally found another chance to be with He Ning.

Lying down peacefully with his arms around her is already his biggest wish and blessing in recent days.

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