Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 575: If you touch it, you will get the plague

Young Master Li also hesitated a bit. He Lu spent a lot of money on this, and he hasn't gotten tired of playing with it yet. It's a pity that he has lost it now.

But He Ning doesn't really want to offend...

Just as he was about to speak, someone said, "San Ye is here."

Everyone looked towards the door, and sure enough, his tall figure appeared at the door and walked over here.

He Lu was shocked, what did Shen Jingyu do? Didn't he separate from He Ning?

Moreover, there are also rumors that he and He Ning have even signed a divorce agreement? This time he came, isn't he here to deliver the divorce agreement?

Yes, it must be so, He Lu comforted herself.

When Young Master Li saw Shen Jingyu, the smile on his face increased, and he put away his frivolous eyes and smiled: "San Ye."

Shen Jingyu walked directly to He Ning and stood beside her.

"What are you doing here?" Shen Jingyu asked, his eyes fixed on He Ning.

At a glance, everyone understood that Shen Jingyu and He Ning would never get divorced at all, because San Ye's eyes were too spoiled, there were so many people in the audience, and his eyes were filled with He Ning alone. .

How can a man get divorced if he sees a woman in this way, it is clearly love?

"We are letting He Lu go." He Ning explained briefly.

Shen Jingyu did not ask why, nor did he ask who was right or who was wrong, and said, "Then let her go."

He Lu was struck by lightning immediately, what? Just let her go without asking questions? Is there any more Wang Fa?

She tugged at Young Master Li's sleeve for help: "Master Li, help others..."

"San Ye said to let you go, just go. So many words." Young Master Li was holding her arm a moment ago, but now he completely let go of her hand, it seems that she is a scourge, just like a plague. Opened the distance between her and her.

What kind of person is Young Master Li?

He knows the difference between being able to marry a woman who comes home and the kind of playful woman.

How could he hit He Ning in the face in front of San Ye?

This He Lu is so ignorant, his first thought was to kick her away.

"Hurry up, can't you hear what the third master said?" Li Shaoye said unceremoniously, without any pity.

He Lu couldn't afford to offend the gold master, so she had to swallow her back, clutching the hem of her clothes, and crushing her temper fiercely.

"Wait a minute." He Ning said.

He Lu turned back, wishing to tear He Ning apart, but she had to smile on her face: "Sister, what's the matter?"

"First of all, don't call my sister, I don't have so many messy sisters. Secondly... He Lu and Li Shaoye left like this, what about the energy and financial resources we spent on shooting?"

Seeing that she was going to cut her own money, He Lu couldn't help but said: "It's your people who don't cooperate..."

Young Master Li glared at her, then interrupted and said, "Miss He, we will take the photo for the cost you paid for the filming. We will find the person who shoots the advertisement again. We don't need this He Lu."

"Master Li!" He Lu Chuchu cried out pitifully, originally thinking of begging him when she went back, but who knew that he would directly deprive her of the opportunity to continue filming.

"This is what you should come out." He Ning looked at Master Li with a sneer.

"Yes, yes, we should go out," said Shao Ye Li.

He hasn't seen the money yet.

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