Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 577: You wasted a chance

After coming out, she had a lot of momentum, and said to He Ning: "He Ning, let's start shooting."

Shen Jingyu stood by He Ning's side, a place within his reach, no matter what He Ning had to do, he could immediately help.

"I want to shoot, Sanye should go and wait." He Ning smiled at him slightly.

Shen Jingyu didn't move, she smiled and said, "Are you planning to be in the mirror too? This is not for me, it is for He Lu."

"I'll be waiting for you." Shen Jingyu agreed loosely, turning around and looking for a chair to sit down.

He Ning said to He Lu, "He Lu, I can't stay with you all the time, so I will give you ten chances. If you don't make a good shot once out of ten times, you don't have to waste time."

"Ten times is ten times." He Lu said, but she snorted in her heart. For such a simple thing, does this lady need ten times? Take a good shot once, depending on what you say!

He Ning stood opposite her, He Lu faced the camera.

He Ning began to speak: "What should I do if my hair is dry, yellow, or frizzy?"

He Lu only needs to follow the lines and introduce the advantages of this shampoo, a very simple scene.

So He Lu is full of confidence.

She immediately took the line, but in the middle of speaking, she obviously forgot the words, and she got stuck.

The director immediately shouted: "Crack!"

"I was not good just now, I will come again." He Lu hurriedly shouted.

She hooked up with Young Master Li in just a dozen days, and it took only a few days to sign the contract. She was not from a major, and she had never learned to film. When facing the camera, she was naturally nervous.

She herself understood her disadvantages and swallowed.

He Ning smiled and said, "You have wasted an opportunity."

"Come again!" He Lu shouted.

She took another shot, concentrating on reading the lines silently in her heart.

After He Ning asked, she immediately answered.

This time the director directly shouted: "Ka!"

"Why?" He Lu asked loudly, "I didn't have any lag in my lines this time, so why do you call it click?"

The director pointed it out to her: "When you are saying this line, take a step forward, the light source becomes not bright enough, you can see for yourself."

He Lu took a look at the picture just now. She did take a step forward subconsciously, but every light source was exquisite. Although her step was small, the light source changed completely.

The outline of her face was blurred when photographed.

At this moment, she finally got really nervous.

He Ning chuckled lightly: "There are eight more times."

He Lu's nails began to squeeze into her palm.

Shen Jingyu sat aside and looked at He Ning. The light from the shooting hit her very well, making her appear more gentle and beautiful than usual.

Gong Yunxi on the side was too worried, but Shen Jingyu was not worried at all, so she looked at her in time.

Since she has this confidence, she must have this ability to defeat He Lu.

After all, with so many years of work experience, although He Ning is not a celebrity celebrity, he has a good understanding of various shooting techniques.

He believed her and could do it.

Shooting again, He Lu watched for lighting, but there was a problem while standing.

When I took another shot, she remembered everything, but it was precisely because she focused on memorizing those, her facial expression was almost distorted, and there was no smile at all.

She looked at what was filmed, and she didn't even have the face to argue with the director that it was good.

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