Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 583: She doesn't want to see anyone

He Ning also hoped that he could really have a more legitimate job than the Chu family, and live upright in the sun, instead of living the Chu family's luxury and wealth, but always accompanied by killing and dangerous life.

Chu Zhuohang was extremely pleased with her arrival, and his eyebrows were a little bit more excited to see the usual evils less.

"He Ning, stay and eat."

"Don't use Senior Chu, you are also very busy. I'll come back to disturb you another day." He Ning smiled, "Don't worry, I will definitely invite you to dinner in the future, so you can be mentally prepared."

"I've done it a long time ago, I'm afraid you won't come." Chu Zhuohang sent her out, and he took his gaze back until her car left.

When He Ning was sitting in the car returning to the company, when he received a strange call, it was very strange.

After that, the voice from the other side was also a little strange: "He Ning, I am grandma. Grandma, you know?"

He Ning then remembered that he had a grandma.

This old lady, Chen Fufen, who is the capital of He Hongtao, didn't pay attention to it. Naturally, it was impossible to put He Ning in his eyes.

She has a stale mind, and she has to hold a grandson to feel that she has inherited the family from one generation to another.

However, He Hongtao gave birth to three daughters and none of the sons, while He Hongtao's eldest brother gave birth to a son.

The relationship between Mrs. He and He Hongtao became more and more indifferent, and she planned to give her eldest son and grandson family to the end.

In He Ning's impression, this grandma almost never looked for herself. What is she doing now?

"Grandma, something?" He Ning's attitude was also very cold.

There is a kind of elders who are not worthy of respect.

"You kid, can't you come to me if I have nothing to do?" Mrs. He was a little dissatisfied, but did not hang up the phone, "How come you have to come to grandma's 70th birthday, right?"

"Grandma, I will prepare a gift for you, and I will personally give it to you when the time comes. But the birthday party, I will not come." She has had enough of the He Hongtao family and the He family. She doesn't want to see anyone.

"Okay, you can give it to me now. I'll wait for you in the cafe on the street opposite your company."

After Mrs. He finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

He Ning was not given any reaction time at all.

He Ning was a little surprised, what's the matter?

He Ning randomly found something in the car and put it in a bag as a gift to Mrs. He.

Anyway, she has never been taken care of by Mrs. He since she was a child, and it is not rude to give her something casually.

When He Ning's car arrived at the company, she went straight to the coffee shop.

Seeing He Ning coming in, the old lady He inside stood up with the woman next to her.

He Ning didn't know Mrs. He at all, she didn't recognize it until they waved, and walked in front of Mrs. He.

"Grandma." He Ning greeted and sat down.

Granny He smiled and said, "This is your cousin Jiaojiao."

He Ning nodded at Jiaojiao as a greeting.

She is not familiar with Mrs. He, let alone her cousin.

All she knew was that the family conditions of this uncle's family had always been good, and with the birth of a son, Mrs. He's heart would be eccentric, as if she was afraid that He Ning and the others would ask for something.

Therefore, He Ning also took the initiative to alienate her relationship with them.

"Grandma, happy birthday." He Ning gave the things in her hands to Mrs. He, "If it's okay, I'll go ahead."

"He Ning, where can I leave without sitting so quickly?" Old lady He grabbed her.

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