Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 620: It's not her responsibility

Shen Jingyu's hand holding the fork was slightly stagnant, and then paused in mid-air.

Then, he slowly retracted his hand and put it back on the dinner plate.

"I'm sorry." His heart was stagnant, and the pain in his eyes was too deep to cover.

He Ning said earnestly: "San Ye, can you face our problem squarely and not avoid it? If you have any unspeakable concealment, I will face it with you."

Shen Jingyu's heart was warmed and softened by her.

But there are some things that she should not be responsible for.

He also couldn't bear her burden.

He raised his eyes again, and there was only firmness left in his eyes: "There is nothing unspeakable. That is just a way of life for me."

He Ning looked back sadly: "I'm a little tired, I'll sleep a little longer."

She lay down, facing him sideways, her thin body with a lost back.

Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand and placed it on her back. He Ning did not move, as if he had fallen asleep.

Shen Jingyu kept this action for a long, long time.


He Ning woke up in the middle of the night.

Half are hungry, and half are because they want to go to the toilet.

I have lost a lot of fluids and there is too much water in my body.

Shen Jingyu was still there when he opened his eyes.

She was startled, thinking that he had already left.

"San Ye, where is Ye Shu?" He Ning asked.

"Ye Shu went back to rest, and she has been busy all day."

"Then you go back and rest, you have been busy all day." He Ning's tone was very polite.

Shen Jingyu tried his best to ignore the feeling of alienation, and said, "I'm here to accompany you. It just happened that someone bought some pork liver porridge. Would you like to eat some?"

He Ning had a grunt in his stomach before he spoke.

Shen Jingyu turned around to get her porridge. She seemed to be smiling when she saw him, as if she was laughing at her unbelievable belly.

She blushed and ate two bowls in a row before putting down the bowl.

"If you like, eat this tomorrow night." Shen Jingyu curled her lips slightly.

"Then you go out first and call a nurse for me." He Ning really wanted to go to the bathroom.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Jingyu seemed to have guessed her thoughts, "How can the nurse take care of you? I will accompany you to the toilet."

He Ning blushed: "Then you can help me."

Shen Jingyu lifted the quilt and took her into his arms.

"Hey, Sanye..." He Ning struggled.

"Don't talk." Shen Jingyu hissed.

He Ning felt the pain in his leg and was too scared to move, so he hooked his neck obediently to stabilize his body.

If you fall, you can afford it, but your children can't afford it.

Shen Jingyu hugged her, not only a short distance from the toilet, but walked very slowly for a long time.

Her gentle breathing sounded from her chest, and her petite body had been relying on his arms.

It has been a long time, she hasn't been so awake, relying on his arms like this.

He can't wait for this road to be longer, to walk a little longer.

Shen Jingyu directly carried her into the toilet and placed it on the toilet.

"Then you can go out." He Ning lowered her head, her ears a little red.

After all, this man who had already settled for a divorce is no longer her husband, nor the man who can be close to everything.

Shen Jingyu stood at the door: "Call me if you have something."

After she had finished using the toilet, Shen Jingyu turned around and picked her up and put her on the hospital bed.

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