Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 622: Already on the verge of divorce

Ye Shu took He Yiming's arm: "Yiming, do you think the possibility of this matter is high?"

"It should be quite tall." He Yiming said analytically, "When I went back, I took a look at the photos of my parents when they were young. He Ning...has a pair of eyes that are very similar to those of my mom when they were young."

"That's great. Doesn't that mean that in the future, I will have a relationship with Hening?" Ye Shu said happily.

He Yiming looked at her with joy on his thick eyebrows: "You mean, promised to marry me?"

"I didn't agree." Ye Shu was a little embarrassed, and then he laughed to resolve it, "But if your sister is He Ning, then you can consider it. Who makes me want to be a family with her!"

He Yiming hugged her: "Then I will now pray that He Ning is my own sister! Only in this way can I return home with my beauty."


Knowing that He Ning and Lan Xi were both injured and admitted to the hospital, Mrs. Shen and Ding Qinen rushed over.

He Ning was ashamed of the two old people. They were clearly on the verge of divorce with Shen Jingyu, but they wanted to mobilize the crowd to let them run.

Old Mrs. Shen shook her hand: "You can take care of your body, don't worry about anything else. I also brought you some soup, which is very good for your body."

"Thank you grandma." He Ning said gratefully.

"Then you have a good rest, I'll go see Lan Xi. That kid, I've seen him grow up, and if something goes wrong, I have to go and see it anyway."

He Ning nodded: "Then you go quickly, I won't keep you."

Old lady Shen and Ding Qinen went to Lan Xi's ward.

Lan Xi secretly told them what Gu Yunchen had found out.

"Is there such a thing?" Ding Qinen also thought it was amazing.

"Now Yunchen is still checking, what exactly is going on, and there is no conclusion yet. I heard that at least we have to wait for tomorrow." Lan Xi said.

Ding Qinen discussed with Mrs. Shen, and decided to stay one night in Portuguese West: "Tomorrow we will know the news early in the morning. How to say, this is also a major event in the He family, in case He Ning is really your child, To be honest, this matter has something to do with us. We can't ignore what we say."

"I haven't let Jingyu know. I want to wait until the results come out." Lan Xi said, with joys and worries in his heart.

The happy thing is that no matter how many sensible daughters are, it's a good thing. What's worrying is that he doesn't know whether He Peishan can accept it. The child is very thoughtful, thoughtful, especially vulnerable, and Lan Xi is afraid of hurting her heart.

Ding Qinen sat next to her: "Okay, let's wait for the results. In case it is true, I never thought that our sisters could be married."

"Yes, it's something that I never thought of." Lan Xi smiled.


Shen Jingyu brought hot water in.

"What are you doing?" He Ning looked at him strangely.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable without taking a shower?"

Herning was flushed with shame. Of course she knew she was unwell, but the doctor said that the wound should not be exposed to water. How could she take a bath?

Knowing that he has a habit of cleanliness, she said: "Please come in for a nurse. I'm really dirty."

"I didn't say that I disliked you either." Shen Jingyu said while supporting her, "Lie down."


He pushed her down and reached out to untie her hospital gown.

He Ning subconsciously held the clothes with both hands: "San Ye, we are no longer..."

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