Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 624: She is my sister

"It's real auntie." Gu Yunchen said, but his face didn't have much joy.

"Then why are you frowning? Then what is the bad news?" Ye Shu couldn't help asking, grabbing him and urging.

"Because it was detected that He Ning was from aunt's blood, but not from her uncle. In other words, she can only be regarded as a half-child of Yiming." Gu Yunchen said.

Mrs. Shen said, "Is it true that when I was doing IVF, a doctor accidentally used Lanxi's eggs and another man's sperm? Does that mean?"

Gu Yunchen nodded: "Grandma Shen, you are right. That's how it is. So someone must have made a mistake to make such a big oolong."

When Lan Xi heard this, she was also a little worried, but immediately said firmly: "Although this is just an accident, since He Ning is my daughter, I also admit it."

Shen Jingyu has also read the test report and said to Gu Yunchen, "Is it accurate?"

"Accurate, I'm afraid of being inaccurate, so I specially re-examined it three times." Gu Yunchen said, "Every word you see is sure and correct."

"Then have you found out, who is He Ning's father? Was it the man who was doing IVF in the hospital at the same time?" Shen Jingyu asked.

"You got the idea when you asked, I can tell you exactly, no. I checked the information of those people, and no one can match Hening."

Mrs. Shen said: "That said, no one knows what happened except the doctor who knew it at the time. If it was the doctor who took it wrong, even he himself might not know how it was wrong. "

Ding Qinen said: "Yes, not to mention Yunchen's uncle Gu Hanlin was the main one who helped perform this operation. Gu Hanlin died young, maybe He Ning's father is not easy to investigate now.

Ye Shu smiled and relieved everyone's hearts: "Now I have found my mother, maybe there will be some coincidence in the future, I will find out who He Ning's father is. So don't worry."

He Yiming finally knew why He Ning felt heartache in the first place. It turned out that she was really her own sister, and she had the same blood from her mother as herself.

He said, "No matter what, this matter is not He Ning's fault. Now that it is clear now, she will be my sister in the future."

Lan Xi also nodded, and said with deep feeling: "I will recognize this daughter too. I have never raised her or warmed her, but at least, I can still accompany her in the future."

Ding Qinen shook Lan Xi’s hand and said, “Lan Xi, don’t worry. With the friendship of our sisters, since He Ning is your daughter, I will treat her as a daughter to love her. Jingyu, it’s better than you Go and tell He Ning about this."

Shen Jingyu nodded: "I will tell her."

He turned and went out.

The happiest person is Ye Shu, holding He Yiming's wrist and shaking excitedly: "Yiming, He Ning is really your sister, really! I'm so happy!"

"Me too." Joy appeared on He Yiming's thick eyebrows.

Lan gave them a look of joy and smiled with relief.

When Shen Jingyu entered the ward, He Ning was reading a book. Seeing him walking, she put it down and said, "You seem to have something to tell me?"

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