Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 627: I recognize it, it's justified

"Dad!" He Yiming said calmly, "Jingyu and He Ning had previously refused to agree to the spinal cord matter because the aunt took the lead and destroyed their trust. This matter cannot be compared."

He Boyuan looked at his son: "Do you also think that you must recognize this sister?"

"This is Mom's daughter and my sister. I recognize it, it is justified." He Yiming made a loud voice.

"Impossible! I don't agree, no one in the He family can recognize this daughter!" He Boyuan said in air.

"Boyuan..." Lan Xi wanted to fight again, but He Boyuan's expression was so dark that he would not give her a chance to speak.

He Boyuan waved away.

Lan Xi felt weak and dizzy.

He Yiming stretched out his hand to support her: "Mom."

"I'm fine." Lan Xi smiled weakly.

"Mom, Dad has his concerns, I will talk to him again."

Lan Xi looked at his son: "Yi Ming, is it true that mom is too selfish?"

"Mom, why do you say this to yourself? You have given everything for this family, and you have spent almost your entire life for Shanshan." He Yiming said with distress, "You just love yourself too little."

Lan Xi smiled in relief, and she was in a much better mood to get her son's understanding.

She whispered: "I don't know why. When I saw the child He Ning, I felt very destined."

"The He family can indeed deny her, but I can't."

"Since it is my daughter, I must recognize her."

"In my whole life, time has been devoted to my family, and I have given up a lot of my ideals and my own work."

"This time, I want to obey my heart and live for myself once."

He Yiming's voice is steady: "Mom, I support you."


He Peishan staggered back out.

She clung to her clothes tightly.

Neither Lan Xi nor He Yiming came to see her in the hospital these days. She didn't know what happened, so she came back specially.

As a result, I heard such a thing secretly.

They all know that He Ning is Lan Xi's daughter!

And mother and eldest brother wanted to recognize that woman desperately!

How can this be!

Mother is her mother and elder brother is her elder brother.

He Peishan's heart was cut with a knife, and a blunt knife cut the meat, and every knife was so painful.

Sister Rong, the nurse who followed her, hurriedly helped her and said, "I'll let the young master come over..."

"Don't go, don't go." He Peishan was flustered, and stopped Sister Rong, "Don't go now."

She wanted to think about it for herself, what the **** was going on.

In the end, how to solve it.

If He Ning takes away both her mother and eldest brother, then she will have to survive in the cracks in the days to come.

She absolutely can't let such a thing happen.

He Peishan hurriedly returned to the ward.

What happened this time made her cold all over her body.

Struggling, she called He Birong.

"Aunt..." With a crying voice, He Peishan told He Birong the whole thing.

He Birong was shocked: "What details and content do you know?"

"I only know that Mom and Big Brother want to recognize He Ning. They must have been confused by the fox, and I am their real relative!" He Peishan cried.

"Don't cry, don't cry Shanshan." He Birong felt very distressed, "Auntie will take care of her injuries and try to come back soon. Her conspiracy will definitely not succeed."

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