Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 631: Please pay attention to your wording

"You treat mom like this, I have to take care of it." He Yiming saw the red marks left on his mother's wrist, and his brows frowned. Can’t do this!"

He Boyuan looked at his son angrily: "This is between me and your mother!"

"It's my business too!" He Yiming didn't give in!

The old lady He appeared and said sharply, "I'm not dead in this family! If such a big thing has happened, is there no one in the He family? No one will tell me!"

Lan Xi hurriedly said, "Mom, I thought it was not a big deal, and it is too late to inform you after we discuss it."

"He Ning, right? That wild species, I don't recognize it!" The old lady He had a tougher attitude than He Boyuan.

"Grandma!" He Yiming's thick eyebrows were grim, "Please pay attention to your wording!"

Mrs. He's attitude became mild, but it was only for He Yiming.

To He Ning, he was equally resolute: "No, I can't recognize it. Our He family has no such precedent. Her birth was an accident, but we should not bear this responsibility. I said no, just don't!"

Lan Xi stepped forward with a gentle voice: "Mom, Hening is my daughter. Only I can decide whether to recognize her or not."

After speaking, she turned and left.

He Yiming quickly followed.

"It's the opposite, it's the opposite! No one listens to what I said!" Old lady He was angry and beat her chest.


"Mom." He Yiming walked side by side with his mother.

"Yi Ming, you do your own thing, I have a sense of measure." Lan Xi said with a smile.

Knowing that his mother was weak on the outside and tough on the inside, He Yiming nodded.

Lan Xi walked into the room, took out his dowry back then, and gently stroked it.

At the beginning, I promised He Wenyuan to marry him, but he never came back, and became the rebel general of the entire Dragon Empire. In desperation, she chose to marry another.

And He Wenyuan never appeared again.

She couldn't think of it, He Boyuan would bring up the old things again, because when she got married, she was not a virgin, and she complained about her to this day.

So where is the meaning of being single-minded and teaching children over the years?


He Boyuan regrets what he did tonight.

He loves his wife deeply, so he becomes more and more concerned about what happened back then.

Over the years, Lan Xi's thoughts have been placed on He Peishan. He is also busy with official duties, and the couple seem to be drifting away.

It's a rare communication, and it's such a situation.

He was still drunk and came to He Peishan's ward. His daughter was ill. He came less often. Lan Xi has always taken care of him more.

He Peishan was very happy to see his father coming, and hurriedly asked Sister Rong to serve tea and pour water.

"Dad, why are you here? Why are you still drinking?" He Peishan asked his father to sit down.

"It's rare to be free, come and see you." He Boyuan looked at his daughter, his heart was full of love, and gradually he was full of guilt for his wife.

He Peishan smiled and said, "I'm glad you came to see me. Fortunately, you came to see me, otherwise no one would come to see me."

"Didn't your mother come every day?" He Boyuan asked, frowning involuntarily.

Lan Xi did come every day recently, but it was indeed not the same as before, accompany He Peishan at any time.

Recently, she has always put her mind on He Ning. After learning about He Ning's life experience, she feels that no one loves her, so she inevitably prefers He Ning.

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