Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 637: Handsome face

It turned out that Shen Jingyu got up early and went to work on this.

That is to say, did he really stay here overnight?

There was no discomfort coming from his body. It seemed that he was still a gentleman, and he didn't take advantage of the danger to do anything.

He Ning's eyes rolled a few times, and slowly returned to calm.

"Aren't you busy with your own affairs?" He Ning asked subconsciously.

He raised his eyebrows slightly: "Your legs are all right?"

The subtext is very clear, he will not leave until her legs are fully restored to move freely.

This recognition makes He Ning not as repulsive as he thought.

I was just a little worried that he would know about the child...

The lower abdomen is still flat, and only when the instrument is used can the child's clear heartbeat be heard.

But their growth will soon become an unavoidable fact.

Shen Jingyu picked her up, accompany her to wash up skillfully and naturally, and then ate breakfast with her.

After breakfast, an unexpected guest came.

"The guest outside is said to be Master Feng from the Lan family." Li Jiehui reported.

"Lan Feng?" Shen Jingyu pondered for a moment, and said, "Let him come in."

"My mother's nephew. I don't know what he is here for?" He Ning said. The mother in her mouth is already Lan Xi.

When Lan Feng came in, the whole living room was lit up.

The man in front of him had a face that was so handsome and almost enchanting, he might be like a mother, so he had a female face, but he was not a mother, on the contrary, he was unspeakably suave.

The hair is meticulously combed, and the clothes on his body are very outstanding. The burgundy silk shirt, the style and color that is easy to be greasy by anyone, only adds to his color and does not reduce his temperament.

He is the kind of man who is completely different from Shen Jingyu, who can't say who is better, because they are all very good.

Seeing Shen Jingyu and He Ning, he smiled: "Jingyu was here. I thought you were in the army."

"I thought you should stay in a place like a bar or club. How come you have time to come here?"

Lan Feng smiled openly and wantonly: "I heard that my aunt has newly recognized a daughter. She also met at the wedding. But I still want to see it with my own eyes and recognize my cousin."

Shen Jingyu said lightly: "Your Lan family is different from He family."

"Of course. We Lan family recognize who we don't recognize, look at the eye margin. If you see it right, you have to recognize it." Lan Feng's enchanting eyes flowed over He Ning's body and smiled, "He Ning, I will see you in the future. I have to be called cousin. If you have anything, tell me, cousin will support you."

His various voices and expressions, personally, will definitely make people feel frivolous.

However, as far as he is concerned, it is a just right fit. With his slender figure and enchanting facial features, it seems that any publicity and recklessness of his can stand on the basis of his height and appearance.

"Thank you cousin." He Ning could feel his sincerity, so he was very grateful for this sentence.

"Then I'll go first. Don't let Shen Jingyu bully you." After speaking, he put on his sunglasses and turned around, leaving only a nostalgic back.

He Ning herself was very strange: "Master Feng, for nothing, why would he come to recognize me?"

"It's for nothing. You are auntie's daughter. Father Lan will not care about you. Especially after He Boyuan personally came to humiliate you yesterday, their Lan family decided to protect you."

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