Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 654: My heartfelt heart is treated as feeding the dog

"I didn't expect that my husband, Gu Hanlin, used He Ning's cord blood to save He Yiming! He did so many things behind my back and deceived me! What I didn't expect was really too much. too much!"

"But when I found out, it was too late. You really can't imagine what it's like to be betrayed by your husband!"

He Ning heard this and said loudly: "That said, your husband has always known that you are a vicious woman. He is just helping you to make fewer mistakes. A woman like you does not deserve such a good husband. !"

"What if I am not worthy? He Ning, you deserved to die a long time ago, you are not worthy to live in this world. Lan Xi snatched the man I like, you **** the man Shanshan likes, you mother and daughter deserve to die!"

He Birong yelled frantically and pointed at the tip of He Ning's nose.

Shen Jingyu slapped her hand, slapped her, and slapped her to the ground without giving her the slightest chance to hurt He Ning.

He Birong's lips were bleeding.

Whenever she thinks about what she thinks or what her daughter thinks, she can't get it, and the wild wave in her heart surges even more.

She laughed and laughed sternly: "Lan Xi, you also have retribution, your retribution, your son and daughter are not of He family blood. What can you do? Hahahaha, only my Shanshan, Only my Shanshan is from the He family..."

"But you can only listen to this as a story. Because these things have passed for many years. No one can hold me accountable."

He Birong sat on the ground, laughing very sharply.

He Peishan ran to help her up: "Aunt, no, mommy, you get up. Don't have anything to do. If you have something to do, no one can protect me. You must cheer up and fight against these bad guys!"

Lan Xi looked at He Peishan, with an incomparable sourness in his heart.

It turns out that He Peishan's feelings for He Birong are so deep, and he regards herself as a bad person. These thoughts, He Peishan is certainly not unique to him today.

Blood and heart are really not empty words.

And she herself, for a child who is not a daughter, gave up her career and personal life for the second half of her life, and kept her for twenty years.

But nothing can be exchanged for gratitude.

Lan Xi smiled in despair: "My sincere heart, just treat it as feeding the dog."

He Peishan looked at Lan Xi indifferently and said, "Do you think you have a sincere heart for me? You have never loved me! I am glad I am not your daughter! I am glad that there is no mother like you and a big brother like He Yiming! "

"Because you will only consider your reputation and never care about my life or death."

"Only my biological mother, she is really good for me. For me, give everything."

He Yiming had never expected that she would say such a thing.

"He Peishan, stop! How many things your mother gave up for you, do you really have no idea in your heart?" He Yiming said angrily.

"She wasn't for me at all! If she was for me, she would not watch Shen Jingyu marrying He Ning without stopping; if she was for me, it would be impossible not to help me heal; if she was for me, she should satisfy me Instead of doing everything against me!"

He Peishan is also full of grievances.

Seeing that her three views were exactly the same as He Birong, He Yiming couldn't help being worthless for her mother.

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