Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 656: Who dares to take my family's people away

Lan Xi said, "Let's go."

"Wait." Shen Jingyu's voice stopped them.

Lan Xi asked, "Jingyu, what else do you want to say?"

"What happened more than 20 years ago has indeed passed the legal prosecution period. What Birong He said, even if it is true, cannot hold her legally accountable. However, there is still one thing she cannot escape... …"

He Peishan cried and looked at Shen Jingyu, with irritation: "Shen Jingyu, you have enough, and you don't need to help me. At this time, do you have to go to bed?"

Shen Jingyu didn't look at her at all, but said flatly: "In order to treat He Peishan, He Yiming asked many people to do spinal cord matching."

"There happens to be a cancer patient named Wang Chunhua, and her spinal cord and other organs are suitable for He Peishan."

"Because the doctor diagnosed that she would die of illness in a year, she signed an agreement with He Yiming to donate her body."

"This patient can live another year by himself. It is He Birong..."

Shen Jingyu turned his gaze on He Birong: "It was you, in order to treat He Peishan, ignoring Wang Chunhua's life, killing her, taking her body, and treating He Peishan. Your practice of depriving others of their bodies deserves to be subject to the law. Severe punishment!"

Seeing that Shen Jingyu had said this, He Birong knew that he must have had the evidence.

She was too lazy to argue, and said: "That woman is already dying and has no cure. Instead of suffering every day and ruining her body, it is better for me to give her a happy ending."

He Yi's brows became more angry: "How did you find out about that woman?"

"You don't need to worry about it."

Gu Yunchen also said: "You should do such a thing. You are a doctor. You should have professional ethics and know that everyone has the right to choose their own life!"

"Stop talking about such polite words! I'm just trying to save my daughter! That woman, she will live soon anyway, and if she dies, she can still make a profit for the family, which is not a loss!" He Birong said without shame.

Shen Jingyu looked at her coldly: "Such remarks, please tell the judge when you leave them in court!"

After Shen Jingyu finished speaking, the police rushed in, showed his credentials, and said: "He Birong, you are suspected of an intentional murder. Please come back with us to cooperate with the investigation."

"Who dares to take my He family away!" Mrs. He said angrily.

"Old lady, we are just dealing with official business, please be considerate of the old lady." The police was polite, but did not give in at all, waved and said, "Take it away!"

"Bi Rong! Bi Rong!" Mrs. He shouted.

He Peishan also staggered behind her: "Mommy, Mommy!"

He Birong stopped and whispered to He Peishan: "Go to grandma's side, she will definitely protect you. Hurry up and be obedient."

He Peishan had to watch her leave.

She turned around and walked to the old lady He.

Then Shen Jingyu said, "Let's go."

People who did not belong to the He family walked out following Shen Jingyu's footsteps.

Especially those subordinates of the He family, seeing so many things happen, they all know that they shouldn't talk too much, so they should hurry out and do what they need to do.

The old lady He held He Peishan and shed two lines of muddy tears.

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